
Is this snippet creating an anonymous Perl hash?

While reading the snippets provided by FormFiller ( where I kinda got by accident ) , I noticed this line: $f->add_filler( password => Interactive => []); Is this password => Interactive => [] equivalent to {"password" => {"Interactive"=>[]}}? If not, what does it become? ...

What's the most elegant 10-20 line function you've seen/written?

In the vein of What is the coolest thing you can do in <10 lines of simple code? Help me inspire beginners!, but for non-beginners: Tell us about some of your fast solutions to complex problems, or ingenious uses of little-known language features. Two examples I (and I'm sure everyone else) have seen are Quake's Inverse Square Root and ...

Good people or projects to follow in github ?

I'm following a a bunch of interesting projects on Github lately, What projects or people are you following ? I'm not talking only ruby, or RoR, projects. I'm looking forward to see projects that make me a better programmer in any language, or projects where I can find great pieces of code, even if they are small or personal projects. ...

library/module or my code? what is better? (ruby)

I asked my question and got two answers one is piece of code and the other one is to use a library/module. I am wondering what is better to use. Does it actually matter? Is there any difference in speed, code update or in any other way? in my case the code is only a loop with 2 lines... My questions is more in general from somebody who...

Examples of well written simple PyGTK apps?

I'm looking to get my hands dirty with PyGTK and was wondering if anyone can recommend any relatively simple, really cleanly written PyGTK apps that I can look to for best practices or examples? Any type of app will do, as long as it's simple-ish (i.e., please don't recommend a huge app) and generally considered to be well written. The ...

How do I begin reading source code?

I understand the value of reading source code, and I am trying my best to read as much as I can. However, every time I try getting into a 'large' (i.e. complete) project of sorts, I am overwhelmed. For example, I use Anki a lot when revising languages. Also, I'm interested in getting to know how an audio player works (because I have so...

Is there a source insight like code reader on Mac?

Or what app do you use to read code on Mac? ...

Code reading: where can I read great, modern, and well-documented C++ code?

Reading code is one of the best ways to learn new idioms, tricks, and techniques. Sadly it's very common to find badly written C++ code. Some use C++ as if it was C, others as if it was Java, some just shoot in their feet. I believe gtkmm is a good example of C++ design, but a binding could not be the best code to read (you need to kn...

What C++ OSS project has good source code to learn from?

Possible Duplicate: Code reading: where can I read great, modern, and well-documented C++ code? Is there an open source project written in C++ that you would in particular recommend for learning purposes? Something I could study and get ideas from about how correct structuring and code design in C++. ...

Some really good examples of well written javascript

Can anyone point me in the direction of some really well written javascript examples. I have been trying to improve my javascript after reading a lot from douglas crockford book etc but i wondered where i could find some live examples of code that is written well? ...