
Can this be considered Clean Code / Best Practice?

Guys, How are you doing today? I have the following question because I will follow this strategy for all my helpers (to deal with the DB entities) Is this considered a good practice or is it going to be unmaintainable later? public class HelperArea : AbstractHelper { event OperationPerformed<Area> OnAreaInserting; ...

Adding comments to SVN revisions

I'm using Subversion 1.6 with TortoiseSVN and WebSVN. I'm looking for a simple tool, that would enable me to add custom comments to SVN revisions. So I would be able to see the stream of incoming revisions and mark which of them I already reviewed. An ability to share the comments with other programmers would also be a welcome addition, ...

convert list of relative widths to pixel widths

This is a code review question more then anything. I have the following problem: Given a list of relative widths (no unit whatsoever, just all relative to each other), generate a list of pixel widths so that these pixel widths have the same proportions as the original list. input: list of proportions, total pixel width. output: li...

How can I coordinate code review tool and RCS (specifically git)

We're committed to git for code management. We're trying to find a tool that will help us systematize code reviews. We're considering Gerrit and Code Collaborator but would welcome other suggestions. We're having a problem answering the question, "How do we know every commit was reviewed?" (Or "What commits have yet to be reviewed?") ...

C#: How to resolve this circular dependency?

I have a circular dependency in my code, and I'm not sure how to resolve it. I am developing a game. A NPC has three components, responsible for thinking, sensing, and acting. These components need access to the NPC controller to get access to its model, but the controller needs these components to do anything. Thus, both take each oth...

Game AI: Pattern for implementing Sense-Think-Act components?

I'm developing a game. Each entity in the game is a GameObject. Each GameObject is composed of a GameObjectController, GameObjectModel, and GameObjectView. (Or inheritants thereof.) For NPCs, the GameObjectController is split into: IThinkNPC: reads current state and makes a decision about what to do IActNPC: updates state based on wha...

Using TXMLDocument to serialize form settings to XML and database.

I have an interface: type IXMLSerializable = interface function SaveToXML : DOMString; function SaveToXMLDocument : IXMLDocument; procedure LoadFromXML(AXML : DOMString); end; It is used to serialize some settings of forms or frames to xml. Simple implementation: SaveToXMLDocument: function TSomething.SaveToXMLDocument: IXMLD...

Working on multiple unrelated tasks and code reviews

When I'm developing, I like to jump back and forth between doing 2 (or more) things at the same time, even if those things are unrelated. I am able to get my mind focused very quickly, so "warm up" time isn't a concern for me. The reason I like to jump between two tasks is that I often find that I can solve problems faster that way. The...

How can i shorten my code for various winform calls in MDI

I have a mdi where i have several line of code like the given below. Only chage is Form object which is being opened. So I want to all this work using only single function defination. When I tries to capture sender it gives me ToolStipMenuItem here. But I want its sender to be form name so that I can open its corresponding form. priva...

lambda vs. operator.attrgetter('xxx') as sort key function in Python

I am looking at some code that has a lot of sort calls using comparison functions, and it seems like it should be using key functions. If you were to change seq.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(,, which is preferable: seq.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('xxx')) or: seq.sort(key=lambda I would also be interested in comments ...

Foolishness Check: PHP Class finds Class file but not Class in the file.

I'm at a loss here. I've defined an abstract superclass in one file and a subclass in another. I have required the super-classes file and the stack trace reports to find an include it. However, it then returns an error when it hits the 'extends' line: Fatal error: Class 'HTMLBuilder' not found in View/Markup/HTML/HTML4.01/HTML4_01Buil...

Dijkstra's Algorithm explanation java

Hi, I have found an implementation for dijkstras algorithm on the internet and was wondering if someone could help me understand how the code works. Many thanks private int nr_points=0; private int[][]Cost; private int []mask; private void dijkstraTSP() { if(nr_points==0)return; //algorithm=new String("Dijkstra"); ...

Reading Code - helpful visualizers and browser tools

Hi! I find myself reading 10 times more code than writing. My IDEs all are optimized to make me edit code - with completion, code assist, outlines etc. However if I'm checking out a completely new project: getting into the application's logics isn't optimized with these IDE features. Because I cannot extend what I don't fully understand...

Code Review "ToDo" Follow Up Items

I am trying to institute code reviews at my company, and recently we had our first code review meeting. During the meeting, several positive suggestions were made and I added TODO comments in my code for following up. After reading suggestions on here on best practices for code reviews, I would like to follow up on all the items I co...

Eclipse plugin for code review.

I would like to know which Eclipse plugin do you think is best for doing code reviews? Thanks. ...

Code review tool for CM synergy

I am looking for a code review tool which can be configured with CM synergy .We are having java project with Eclipse 3.4 as IDE.And need a simple code review tool on windows XP. ...

Code review tool for Vault

We're using Vault from SourceGear as our source control repository. Does anyone know if there's a code review tool that can work with Vault, or something that can work with local files ? I've checked the related questions, but I didn't see something that works with local files (of course I may have just missed it). ...

Code Analysis Error: Declare types in namespaces

Is VS2010, I analyzed my code and got this error: Warning 64 CA1050 : Microsoft.Design : 'ApplicationVariables' should be declared inside a namespace. C:\My\Code\BESI\BESI\App_Code\ApplicationVariables.vb 10 C:\...\BESI\ Here is some reference info on the error. Essentially, I tried to create a class to be used to access data in...

Help improve this Javascript code?

EDIT2: I omitted the line that updates the UI "urrentNode.set_checked(checked);", and it run amazingly fast. Apparently this is the reason of that performance bottleneck, what do you guys suggest? Hello SO, In short, I'm dealing with Telerik's RadTreeView, and I want enable checking all the child nodes if the user checked the parent...

How to keep code maintainable after original programmer quit

Say if it's a 10 people project, 2-3 of the original programmer quit after the project has been release a stable version for a while. How to have the code maintainable in this case? My imagination is reviewing the code after the project goes to release version and keep review it afterwards? Maybe split into 2-3 small groups and have ea...