
MvcContrib.CommandProcessor.RulesEngine tutorial(s)

Hi! I am studying the CodeCampServer. I am confused about the ASP.NET MvcContrib.CommandProcessor.RulesEngine. Are there any tutorials about the RulesEngine of the MvcContrib? Or can anybody of you explain me how does this work and what benefits I gain? ...

Where to find a working version of codecampserver?

Where can I find a working copy of codecampserver? I tried downloading the source code from google project but I can not get it to work or figure out how I should get it working. ...

Any idea how to use CodeCampServer template? CodeCampServer has two download packages: VisualStudioTemplate and CodeCampServerPackage. I looked for any idea how to use them, but unfortunately I didn't. So, I ask my questions here: How to use VisualStudioTemplate? the archive file di...