
How can I display documentation in Xcode via CodeSense?

I am Java developer and would like to know how I can get the equivalent of a JavaDoc in Xcode when CodeSense is doing its auto-complete? If I hit the ESC button I can get a list of methods etc. but it does not show me the descriptions of what the methods do. ...

Is XCode able to implement Code Sense when conforming to a protocol?

So XCode has been driving me crazy.. When writing iPhone apps using pickers or table views, when I state that the controller conforms to the DataSource and Delegate methods, XCode isn't generating code sense for those respective methods, and it's driving me nuts given how wordy some of them are.. Like -(NSInteger) tableView: (UITableVie...

Xcode Code Sense horribly broken?

Ever since I started using Xcode, I've experienced extremely annoying problems with Code Sense. The problem is that when Code Sense kicks in for code completion, sometimes the source code text below the line I'm working on goes "crazy". If I continue typing, the problem gets worse, and after a while the source code is completely screwed ...

XCode Syntax Coloring Broken

XCode frequently seems to lose it's mind, and doesn't color code system classes or provide correct "code sense" suggestions. This is endlessly frustrating. The question has been asked on at least three other occasions:

How to add autocompletion entries to Xcode

I noticed that there are some words that XCode does not recognize. For example the word initWithCoder. It also won't recognize NSString if the word const comes before it. How can I fix this? ...