
Can you link 68K code compiled with CodeWarrior for Palm OS with code compiled with PRC-Tools (GCC)?

I've got a Palm OS/Garnet 68K application that uses a third-party static library built with CodeWarrior. Can I rebuilt the application using PRC-Tools, the port of GCC for the Palm OS platform and still link with the third-party library? ...

How can I segment my Palm OS 68K application?

If you have an 68K application written using CodeWarrior for Palm OS, how do you assign individual functions to different segments without manually moving files around in the segment tab in the IDE? ...

CodeWarrior xml project files schema?

I am looking for a reference describing precisely the XML project file format used by CodeWarrior. I managed to find XSD files for recent versions of Visual C++ (here), could anyone point me to some equivalent for CodeWarrior? ...

How can I inspect an STL list in the CodeWarrior debugger?

Is there any easy way to view the data in an STL std::list<T> in the Metrowerks CodeWarrior debugger? I can view data near the beginning or end of the list by looking at expressions such as instances->__list_imp.__list_deleter.end_.compressed_pair_imp.second_.prev_->data_ I can expand the little '+' signs next to the struct members t...

How to resolve the 'Near data segment is bigger than 64k' problem on Palm using CodeWarrior9?

I am working on a large project and now I am stack on this "Near data segment is bigger than 64k" error. If I comment the "FrmSetEventHandler(frm, DadosConstrutivos1HandleEvent);" on PrvAppHandleEvent in PilotMain the program compiles it nice. If I try to use de call, I got the error message. I am already using multi-segment and "Expan...

Freescale CodeWarrior : Register watchpoint on HCS08

I need to break the debugging when I-bit of SR (global interrupt mask) changes it's state. Freescale CodeWarrior 6.1 MCU: HCS08 ...

Solve boost.thread compilation error with Metrowerks compiler

Hi, I'm trying to use boost.thread with metrowerks codewarrior 5.5.3; in the header thread.hpp, I get the error that he's redefining thread::thread_data: class BOOST_THREAD_DECL thread { private: ... template<typename F> struct thread_data: detail::thread_data_base { F f; thread_data(F f...

CodeWarrior vs. CodeSourcery G++ for ColdFire Development

I am interested in any comparative analysis between Freescale's CodeWarrior tool chain and CodeSourcery G++ for developing embedded applications for the ColdFire family of processors. ...

Does it matter which microcontroller to use for 1st time embed system programmer?

I've experience in doing desktop and web programming for a few years. I would like to move onto doing some embed system programming. After asking the initial question, I wonder which hardware / software IDE should I start on... Arduino + Arduino IDE? Atmel AVR + AVR Studio 4? Freescale HCS12 or Coldfire + CodeWarrior? Microchip PIC...

'Load Default Target' with Freescale Codewarrior for DSC56800

Can somebody please tell me how to load the default target for a DSP 56800 project with FreeScale Codewarrior 5.9 ? Back in 4.2 there was a DSP56800 menu with a 'Load Default Target' option at the very top, but this seems to have disappeared in 5.9. I'm trying to load an S-file onto an inhouse board running this processor, using a newly ...