
How can I compile CoffeeScript from .NET?

I want to write a HttpHandler that compiles CoffeeScript on-the-fly and sends the resulting javascript. I have tried Ms Jscript and IronJS without success. I don't want to use Rhino because the java dependency would make it too difficult to distribute. Has anyone compiled CoffeeScript from .NET or have any idea how it could be done? U...

Has anyone used Coffeescript for a production application?

Coffeescript looks pretty cool. Has anyone used it? What are its Pros & Cons? ...

CoffeeScript unit testing?

I'm using CoffeeScript in a Rails application, and I would like to unit test it. Google didn't turn up anything, is there any way to do it short of writing my own testing framework or testing the JavaScript that CoffeeScript outputs? Thanks. ...

CoffeeScript on Windows?

How can I try CoffeeScript on Windows? The installation instructions are only for *nix: EDIT: I don't think I need node.js -- I am just writing javascript for web pages, (using some jQuery, etc)...So all I really want is simple way to write CoffeeScript and "compile" it down to J...

Is there a tool for converting JavaScript to CoffeeScript?

I'd love to use CoffeeScript, but converting all my JavaScript files doesn't seem like a task I should have to do by hand... ...

what is wrong when I compile my .coffee files

Hi there Iam using coffeeScript for my apps now and I love it but recently I've been having a lot of trouble with compilation, Iam using it for a rails application and when I run coffee -w -c public/javascripts It will compile correctly the first time but when I do some changes it just turns to (function() { })(); Some time before...

jQuery: Why would trigger not fire from a JS object?

I've been implementing a form of a publisher/subscriber design pattern in jQuery. I'm basically building classes in Javascript utilizing CoffeeScript that serve as components on my page. i.e. Navigation, DataList, etc. Instead of having DOM elements fire events, I have instances of these classes that use trigger on themselves to send cu...

Custom compiler with maven

Hi! I'm trying to make Maven2 to compile coffeescript to javascript. As far as I'm concerned there is no plugin which provides compiling coffeescript. Is there a compiler-plugin for maven which can be parameterized with a compiler (for any programming language)? ...

Instance Eval in Javascript around browsers

From Coffeekup and JAML's source, (while working on question), we can see a way to hack ruby's instance eval into Javascript (JAML author explains more). It involves decompiling the function, and evaluating it around a with block. The question is: is this supported all around browsers/js runtimes? I know it works on firefox, opera and c...