
jQuery Ajax and ColdFusion

I am attempting to submit a querystring to a ColdFusion page. I would like the ColdFusion page to return true or false based on whether the login in successful. When my login button is clicked: function AttemptLogin(userName, password) { $.ajax({ url: 'login.cfc&user=' + userName + '&' + 'password=' + pass...

Markup validation error when using CFForm

Does anyone know of a solution to the following markup validation error? I'm not sure if this is an issue in ColdFusion or my own code, but the output of the following snippet does not validate correctly on W3C markup validation service: Code <cfform class="SearchForm" id="SearchForm" action=""> <fieldset> ...

ColdFusion DSN with DB2 via ODBC

I'm attempting to connect a ColdFusion application to a DB2 ODBC DSN. Here's my error message: Connection verification failed for data source: <DSN NAME> java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N Attempt to establish connection failed with security reason "24" ("USERNAME AND/OR P...

bi-directional o2m/m2o beats uni-directional o2m in SQL efficiency?

Use these 2 persistent CFCs for example: // Cat.cfc component persistent="true" { property name="id" fieldtype="id" generator="native"; property name="name"; } // Owner.cfc component persistent="true" { property name="id" fieldtype="id" generator="native"; property name="cats" type="array" fieldtype="one-to-many" cfc="cat" casc...

Regex to remove starting and ending string

I am working on a small app where I need to remove the starting and ending tags and I am having a little trouble getting the expression right. Currently I have this bit of code. The issue is on the second output, nothing is displayed. <cfcontent reset="true"/> <cfset myStr = '<br> <br> <br> <br> This is a great Test<br> do you like my...

Coldfusion Calls in Objective-C

So a client right now is asking me to send requests that are synchronous to an example he gave me that is in Coldfusion, and seeing as I have no real experience with Coldfusion I was wondering how I could run the following command(request?) on the iPhone: <cfhttp method="post" username="6Z3YcQhPTZWcCHG0o9OcFA" url="

How do I break down MySQL query results into categories, each with a specific number of rows?

Hello, Problem: I want to list n number of games from each genre (order not important) The following MySQL query resides inside a ColdFusion function. It is meant to list all games under a platform (for example, list all PS3 games; list all Xbox 360 games; etc...). The variable for PlatformID is passed through the URL. I have 9 genres,...

Upload File to Database in ColdFusion

I simply would like to upload a file to my database using ColdFusion. I understand how to upload an image to a directory, but I would like to place it directly in the database. I have set a database field to varbinary(MAX) to accept the image and have the stored procedure to insert it. Currently my code for uploading the image to my f...

Application for viewing coldfusion logs

Straighforward question really Wondering if there was an application specific for handling coldfusion log files. At the moment I am opening them in notepad to view the details, but wondered if there was another solution Many thanks ...

CFEXCHANGECONNECTION error when username changes.

We are attempting to connect to an Exchange server through CFEXCHANGECONNECTION on ColdFusion 9 to retrieve email. We can connect with a number of users. However, some users cannot connect. We end up with the following error: Cannot access Exchange server as a web application at <server> It turns out that the users who cannot conne...

How do I programatically format layers produced by a query loop?

This problem is similar to when creating alternate colour table-rows, only we are dealing with divs and margins instead of table rows and their colours. The following code creates as many layers as there are genres returned from a query (if three genres are found, three layers are created); and within each layer created, the code create...

Check visitors Operating System in ColdFusion

Paul Silver had this post 7 years ago to check various browsers. Has there been an updated script since then? What I'd like is an if/then construct to tell what Operating System the user is on - it doesn't have to go all the way down to the browser version. I'm using the cgi.user_agent string to infer what OS they're using. ...

Get emails from imap server using coldfusion 7

I have tried this example, but it retrieve emails from POP server. Is there any similar way to do for IMAP mail server? I know there is new tag in Coldfusion 9 but I can't use it as I am working in Coldfusion 7. Thanks in advance!! ...

ColdFusion , REGEX - Given TEXT, find all items contained in SPANs

I'm looking to learn how to create a REGEX in Coldfusion that will scan through a large item of html text and create a list of items. The items I want are contained between the following <span class="findme">The Goods</span> Thanks for any tips to get this going. ...

ColdFusion ReportBuilder 9 nvr_win error

I recently upgraded to 64-bit Enterprise ColdFusion 9 running in a multi-server JRun environment on Windows 2008 Server. When I try to invoke a .cfr that worked perfectly in ColdFusion 8, I get the following error in my server log: Unable to load library: nvr_win: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library X:\JRun4\servers\...

JRun Servlet Error when attepting to use java object

We have a site in ColdFusion which integrates with a credit card provider using java components. When calling a particular function on a java object: <cfset ResponseObject = AgentObject.request(RequestObject, LogObject)> Where ResponseObject, AgentObject and LogObject are java object created like: <cftry> <cfset AgentObject = c...

How to add search functionality to an AJAX-driven auto-suggest search field

I'm using he following code the call a CFC which returns auto-suggest results through AJAX. <cfinput type="text" class="titleSearchField" name="TitleName" autosuggest="{cfautosuggestvalue})"> What this does right now is only generate an Auto-suggest list. Clicking on one of the auto-generated res...

What are good resources to learn Coldfusion for a job application...

The job title is "ColdFusion Developer." I have bit's HTML and Javascripting experience, but mostly have worked in the "harder" languages such as C and C++ with occational flurries of assembly. I'm currently employeed, but in the current job climate I figure it can't hurt to be looking around and applying for other positions. Plus acc...

Retrieving a single cell value from a datagrid in Adobe Flex

I'm using CF to retrieve values from a database that are then being stored in a datagrid in Flex. I then want to selectively take the value from one cell of the datagrid and store it as a string variable. I've searched around, but I haven't been able to come about a solution. The users will not be interacting at all with the datagrid as ...

Facebook Connect on Coldfusion 8

Hi, I am trying to get ColdFusion 8 work with FB Connect I am running CF8 on IIS, Windows Server 2003. I use this FB Connect wrapper for ColdFusion written by James Constable, The library is written for Railo server, I managed to port it (or i thin...