
example of Collapsible Panel inside GridView in

Hi I want to create GridView in which Header Panel shows Partial Detail and then complete detail will be shown when click on that panel... so give me example of it ...

ASP.NET Show/Hide Sections in a Datagrid row.

Hi All, I have a datagrid where each row has information on Employees in a company. I would like to allow each row the ability to show/hide extra information. My first idea was use the CollapsiblePanelExtender from the AJAX toolkit and have each row like this: <ajaxtoolkit:collapsiblepanelextender TargetControlID="panel2"> Ex...

Performance issue with ASP.NET page with many (hundreds of) CollapsiblePanelExtenders

I'm maintaining an ASP.NET site where users can log on to register some set of data (for statistical purposes). One user registers data for a set of units, and for each of these units a set of forms are to be filled out (with a handful of fields in each form, but that doesn't matter here). One scenario is that a user has 12 units, and in...

Can I copy the CollapsiblePanelExtender in jQuery as one method?

I am beginning the process of moving away from the AjaxControlToolkit and toward jQuery. What I want to do is have one function that duplicates the functionality of the CollapsiblePanelExtender. For a particular set of hyperlink and div, the code looks like this: $('#nameHyperLink').click(function() { var div = $('#nameDiv');...

AjaxToolkit control Extenders in a composite web control

I am writing a bunch of controls for a Toolkit of controls and each control needs to use the various controls like the CollapsiblePanelExtender, RoundedCornerExtender, popup window extender etc. But since I am using the Web Control and inheriting from the Composite control but upon rendering if I try to render the extenders, it makes the...

How To Refresh State of CollapsiblePanelExtender Without Reloading Page

Hi, I'm working on a specific part of a website that displays a blog and allows users to comment on the blog. Currently, the page starts with a bar with the title of the blog post, who posted it, and the amount of comments on the blog. When you click on the title it expands downwards and displays the blog. Below this, there is a bar sta...

how to disable a ajaxtoolkit CollapsiblePanelExtender from client side?

hello everyone, does anyone know a client side method to disable the CollapsiblePanelExtender? I have get the extender by behaviorId. var extender = $find("behaviorId"); so next what method i can use to disable this extender from client side? Thanks ...

Is it possible to trigger AJAX CollapsiblePanelExtender animation from code behind?

I am using an AJAX CollapsiblePanelExtender for several sections of a form. I can collapse a panel programatically using the following 2 lines: ajaxCollapsiblePanelExtender1.Collapsed = true; ajaxCollapsiblePanelExtender1.ClientState = "true"; However, the expand/collapse animation does not play as when the Expand/Coll...