
How do I get the ColumnAttributes from a Linq.Table<TEntity>?

I'm trying to return attributes of columns from my DataContext. How can I pull out the ColumnAttribute meta data? public class MyDataContext : DataContext { public Table<User> User; public MyDataContext(string connection) : base(connection) { } } [Table(Name = "User")] public class User { [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true)] ...

Mapping a URI to String-field in LINQ-to-SQL

I'm trying to store a URI as a string in a database, using LINQ. [Column(Name = "Url", DbType = "nvarchar(255)")] public Uri Url { get { return new Uri(_url); } set { _url = value.AbsoluteUri; } } private string _url; This maps nicely to my database design, however, when trying to fetch data u...

Do Buddy Classes only work for DataAnnotations?

Do buddy classes only work for dataannotations, or for any attribute? I've been trying to attach a ColumnAttribute to a field in my buddy class, but it appears that it doesn't get processed in the original class. The two classes are linked via MetadataType. ...