
WPF binding to ComboBox SelectedItem when reference not in ItemsSource.

I'm binding the PageMediaSize collection of a PrintQueue to the ItemSource of a ComboBox (This works fine). Then I'm binding the SelectedItem of the ComboBox to the DefaultPrintTicket.PageMediaSize of the PrintQueue. While this will set the selected value to the DefaultPrintTicket.PageMediaSize just fine it does not set the initially s...

Multiselect combobox with ExtJs

How do you implement a multiselect combobox as part of a Ext.FormPanel using ExtJs? I've been looking, but can't seem to find a solution that is compatible with the latest version of ExtJs (this question is similar, but doesn't have a working/current solution). This is what I have so far, but it's a single select: new Ext.FormPanel({ ...

WPF ComboBox Binding to non string object

I'm using MVVM (MVVM Light Toolkit) and have a property on the view model which exposes a list of objects. The objects contain two properties, both strings, which correlate to an abbreviation and a description. I want the ComboBox to expose the pairing as "abbreviation - description". If I use a data template, it does this easily. I ...

Extjs combobox - doQuery callback?

Hi there, I'm using the following combobox: var cb = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ store: someDs, fieldLabel: 'test', valueField:'name', displayField:'name_id', typeAhead: true, minChars: 3, triggerAction: 'query' }); So wh...

WPF Datagrid Combobox binding to each other within the datagrid

How to get a WPF datagrid combobox to bind within the datagrid elements. For example: I have a collection of People => Name, Age and Sex. Foo, 18, Male Boo, 21, Male FooBoo, 30, Female Now inside the datagrid i have a combobox (DataGridComboBoxColumn) with the collection of the names only (Foo, Boo, FooBoo) ItemsSoure and two Data...

Adding Items To A Combo Box Without Code?

I want some default values in my combo boxes but can't seem to figure out how to do this without writing a module that populates the combo boxes. How can I manually fill in the combo boxes so I don't have to use code to do something so simple. Thanks ...

Removing All Items From A ComboBox?

How can I programmatically remove all items from a combobox in VBA? ...

Win32: How do I get the listbox for a combobox

I'm writing some code and I need to get the window handle of the listbox associated with a combo box. When looking in spy++, it looks like the parent of the listbox is the desktop, not the combo box. How can I programmatically find the listbox window handle? ...

Win32: Reading WS_VSCROLL style from a combo box (or list box)

I'm iterating through the controls in a dialog and I'm trying to determine if a combobox was created with the WS_VSCROLL style. The style, obtained from GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE), doesn't contain the WS_VSCROLL bit (0x200000), even when I know it was set on create. Clarification: I am looking to see if the ComboBox was created ...

WPF data-bound ComboBox only shows first item of ItemsSource list

Hi all, I'm sure I'm doing something stupid but for the life of me I can't think of right now. I have a ComboBox that is data-bound to a list of Layout objects. The list is initially empty but things are added over time. When the list is updated by the model the first time, this update reflects properly in the ComboBox. However, sub...

2 (or more) ComboBoxes dependent on each other

Hi, EDIT: The issue underneath is fixed, GO TO EDIT2 in this post. I have an Organisation entity and a Region entity. An object of type Organisation can have one or more Region objects connected to it, thus I have a foreign key in my Region entity to the Organisation Entity. The Organisation and Region objects are pulled from my databa...

Adobe Flex Combobox DataProvider

I have a project that was compiled with the Flex 3.2 SDK. One of my components is a combobox, which is bound to a property (called products) in the Cairngorm model. If I insert a new value into model.products, then the combobox immediately shows the new value. Works perfectly. I then moved to the 3.5 SDK, and running the identical oper...

GWT-EXT markInvalid() red circle not getting displayed at proper place

Hi, I'm using GWT-EXT 2.3 with Java. I've a ComboBox & have applied a validation on it. If validation gets failed then a small red icon with tooltip is displayed on the right side of the field(Combobox) on which the validation is applied. My problem is i'm getting that red icon in center of a combobox (between label & textfield). Can an...

Javascript generated combo box order of item in chrome is upside down

Hi all, I got a javascript code I wrote that calls a web service returns some data and populate the results in a combo box. However I ran into a problem where the ordering of items for the combo box is upside down in Google Chrome. In other browser such as IE and Opera it is in its order from the way the script populate the list of item...

C#: How to bind HashTable to a ComboBox via Enum as a key?

public static Hashtable m_results = new Hashtable(); private BindingSource m_bindResults = new BindingSource(); // in static constructor m_results.Add(MyResultTypes.Failed, "Failed"); m_results.Add(MyResultTypes.Pending, "Is Pending"); m_results.Add(MyResultTypes.Completed, "Was Completed"); m_results.Add(MyResultTypes.Cancel, "Cancel i...

How to create combobox with bitmaps in Win32 ?

Hi ! I wanted to create a custom combo box like this (as in MS Word), Are there any Win32 API calls (I can't use MFC) to get this job done, (like ChooseColor() or ChooseFont()? If there aren't any, can anyone please tell me how to do this? Thanks you. Regards, EDIT: Creating the Owner-Drawn Dialog Box!! Is this the only way ? http:...

Flex 3 ComboBox skin, limiting text width

I've created a ComboBox skin by extending mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin. It's working fine, except I can't figure out how to limit the width of the text. Is there a way to control this within the skin? See the attached image for an example of the text going too far. I would like it to stop before the separator line to the left of the down ...

WPF ComboBox MaxDropDownItems

Is there anyway to set the maximum number of drop down items rather than the max drop down height in WPF? Thanks! -Kevin ...

why parent window don't get notifications from child combobox?

Hi! I create a simple window with a comboboxex (with inserting few bitmaps), I need to know when user has selected an item from combo-box(I need CBEN_ENDEDIT I think). But Parent window don't get any WM_NOTIFY from that combo-box except one value. Can anyone help me with this please? Why I can't get the notifications ? //Window creati...

one item in combobox is bold other are not bold - how to make it?

Good day! I have a combobox in a silverliht application <ComboBox x:Name="cbCities" Width="500" Height="24"/> and bind to it a list of items of City class. The items of City class have a property isCapital There is an only one or no any items with isCapital = true in the list I want to make the item with isCapital = true to be bold ...