
WPF - How to force a Command to re-evaluate 'CanExecute' via its CommandBindings

I have a Menu where each MenuItem in the hierarchy has its Command property set to a RoutedCommand I've defined. The associated CommandBinding provides a callback for the evaluation of CanExecute which controls the enabled state of each MenuItem. This almost works. The menu items initially come up with the correct enabled and disabled...

Enable command binding for TextBlock

I am developing a WPF application, and have a TextBlock which I want to use command binding to trigger a command on when clicked. What's the best way to achieve this? The TextBlock-control does not have a Command property, but it does have a CommandManager. What is this? Can it be used for command bindings? I've seen many other contro...

MVVM Multiple Command Handlers

My Application layer uses DialogPresenters to show some ViewModels in various dialogs (modal, splash screen, etc..). public DataImportDialogPresenter(DataImportViewModel viewModel, IDialogView shellView, IDialogView owner) : base(viewModel, shellView, owner) { //Base sets the view data context etc. //Moni...