
Where to put common writable application files?

Hello all, I thought that CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA\company\product should be the place to put files that are common for all users of the application and that the application can modify, however, on Vista this is a read-only location, unless modified by the installer (as per MSDN -, so.....

How do I find the Windows common application data folder using Python?

I would like my application to store some data for access by all users. Using Python, how can I find where the data should go? ...

using includes cross domain that contain php code - failing

I have a series of web sites all hosted on the same server with different domains. I want to host some common PHP scrips and then be able to call these from the other domains. Im am a bit fresh with my php so pls excuse code attempts - I have tried iterations of the following which may try and help you understand what I am aiming for! ...