
How do I convert VB's Double to COBOL's COMP-3?

Hi All, Does anyone here know how to convert a VB Double to Cobol S9(15)V99 Comp-3 data type. Any help would be appreciated. ...

Interpreting COMP-3 Packed Decimal Fields into numeric values.

Hello, I am creating an SSIS package to read in unpacked data from a series of copybook files. I am unsure of the correct interpretation of the following field definitions and was hoping someone would know: FIELD-NAME-1 PIC S9(15)V9(3) COMP-3. FIELD-NAME-2 PIC S9(3)V9(8) COMP-3. FIELD-NAME-3 PIC S9(3)V9(6) COMP-3....

Converting unpacked Packed Decimal Comp-3 data into doubles.

Hello, I have a fixed width text file, which has been unpacked from Comp-3 data into fixed width strings. I need to know how to interpret the following fields: FIELD-NAME-1 PIC S9(15)V9(3) COMP-3. FIELD-NAME-2 PIC S9(3)V9(8) COMP-3. FIELD-NAME-3 PIC S9(3)V9(6) COMP-3. These appear in my flat file as: FIELD-NAME-1 012345678912345678...

Unpacking EBCDIC Packed Decimals (COMP-3) in an ASCII Conversion

I am using Jon Skeet's EBCDIC implementation in .NET to read a VSAM file downloaded in binary mode with FTP from a mainframe system. It works very well for reading/writing in this encoding, but it does not have anything to read packed-decimal values. My file contains these, and I need to unpack them (at the cost of more bytes, obviousl...

Is there an existing gem or script that converts numbers to comp-3/packed decimal format?

Hi There, Continuing with my adventure to convert COBOL to a Ruby program, I have to convert a decimal digit to a comp-3/packed decimal format. Anyone know of a simple Ruby script or gem that does this? Berns ...