
OutOfMemoryException loading xml document winmo 6.1

I am using c# on a windows mobile 6.1 device. compact framework 3.5. I am getting a OutofMemoryException when loading in a large string of XML. The handset has limited memory, but should be more than enough to handle the size of the xml string. The string of xml contains the base64 contents of a 2 MB file. The code will work when the xml...

how can I render the bitmap property of a .net compact framework custom control in the visual studio form designer?

I have a custom control (inheriting from control; targetting .net compact framework v2) that has a bitmap property. currently an instance of the control on the form designer will only paint the selected background color and writes the overtop. How can I have the image be rendered by the form designer after its ...

Export Windows Mobile Contacts to VCard

How to Export Windows Mobile Contacts to VCard using .NET (C#)? I need to export Contacts from Windows Mobile and restore it to Windows (Desktop) which uses VCard format. ...

Windows mobile, how do I receive callbacks from the camera?

Hi, I am developing an C# app in WM 6. I am using CameraCaptureDialog to open the camera. I would need to receive callbacks from the camera, I know this method is not implemented by CameraCaptureDialog. I would need for Windows Mobile, sth similar to this method in Android: camera.setOneShotPreviewCallback(previewCallback); Do you ...

Compact Framwork communicate to WCF without NETCFSvcUtil generated proxies.

Is it possible to communicate with a WCF service without using NETCFSvcUtil to generate the proxy? I'm trying to call a WCF service on a mobile using compact framework. I do not want to use NETCFSvcUtil to generate a proxy for a particular reason. I have this sample code on the mobile side to test it out : // This is the contrac...

how to change region and date format in Windows-CE ?

hi how i can change region and date & time format in Windows-CE ? (using C# code) thank's in advance ...

Get Network Name (Subscriber Name) on Windows Mobile

How to get Network Name (Subscriber Name) on Windows Mobile? ...

How can I give Microsoft feedback regarding Windows CE support in VS2010?

I like using Visual Studio 2010, but miss having support for Smart Device Projects and Compact Framework (i.e. Windows CE, Pocket PC and Smart Phone). Where and how can I make my voice heard? Does MS have a public "feature requests" site where I could propose / vote on such support? ...

Getting file version info in the Compact Framework

I have some code that needs to be able to find the version number of an assembly, given a string saying where it's located. I can't get this to work: Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\\v3.5\\sqlcecompact35.dll"); throws a System.IO.IOException: File or assembly name '\Progra...

Get Notification when New Contact is added to Device on Windows Mobile

I need to set Callback function for New Contact added to Device on Windows Mobile. I want to get notification when someone adds contacts to mobile device. I am using VS 2008 with C#. ...

Resizing controls added programatically - Compact Framework

I've googled this but can't find an answer. Controls added via the designer automatically scale depending on screen size, however controls added programatically don't. I've tried all sorts of combinations of anchor and dock but to no avail. Is this really a short coming in the compact framework? ...

multiple checkboxes in listview in compactframework

Hi friends in my mobile 6.5 application i have one check box shown in start of my listview using this code ListBatch.Columns.Add(" ", 30, HorizontalAlignment.Left); ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[] {String.Empty,"2","3"}); lvi.Checked = false; but how can i have two checkboxes???? ...

.NET CF Windows Forms - 3 state push button

Hello How to create a 3 state push button that behaves like check box but looks like normal button? Regards ...

Font sizes are incorrect after WinForms scaling / Compact Framework

I'm confused as to how I can get my winforms to scale properly. When I design a form, in my case WVGA, horizontal orientation, it looks like the upper image below. On the device however, the text is scaled to be a lot larger. Setting a lower fontsize in the designer helps me getting it right, but this can't the the correct way of getting...

About Network Connections on Windows Mobile

Hello , I'm neither good nor experienced about asking questions so i hope I'm not doing it wrong. ( Also pardon my English as it's not my native language) But here is one thing still bothering me even after a few night of googling ; Someone asked me about a project on Windows Mobile but as a newbie .Net developer and cell-phone illite...

C# Comparing float to int

I have seen this code floating around on the intertubes for determining if a Windows Mobile device has a VGA screen (code is inside a method of a Form class): SizeF currentScreen = this.CurrentAutoScaleDimensions; bool isVGA = currentScreen.Height == 192; Is it possible that isVGA could be set to false even if the screen is VGA becaus...

How to display ok button at bottom in .net compact framework ?

I am developing mobile application in C#. I am using the following code in my application to display the messagebox but the button ok is displayed at the top right corner. I want to display the ok button at the bottom. This is my code MessageBox.Show("Records successfully inserted","Customer Entry",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.No...

Array serialization performance issue

In my Windows Mobile (.NET Compact Framework) application I use a big array to store the application's primary data. This is a dataset of potentially hundreds of objects. Each object has about 10 or so properties and two arrays of itself, each with about 25 other objects, each of which has about 5 properties. To save this array on the m...

How to add icon file in the cab file of mobile application ?

I am developing smart device application in C#. When I deploy my application on emulator it shows the default name for the exe of my application & there is no icon associated with it. Now I have added an icon to the exe of my application by right clicking on the project & selecting the properties from the solution explorer in visual stud...

Windows Mobile SDK 6 Confusion

I am upgrading my Windows Mobile 5 project to a Windows Mobile 6 project. The first step (at least so it seems to me) is to get the Windows Mobile 6 SDK installed. When I went searching for this I found the following installs that both seemed to fit what I was looking for: Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK Refresh.msi Windows Mobile ...