
Should I change my upgraded database's compatibility level from 8 to 9?

I am planning to upgrade a SQL Server 2000 instance to a SQL Server 2005 instance. I am not going to change any database code, so I won't be taking advantage of any SQL2005 specific syntax. Is there any reason to set my compatibility higher (to level 9)? Or is it ok to leave at compatibility level 8? ...

Consequences to setting the db compatibility level to SQL Server 2000

We have a Sql Server 2005 DB. For whatever reason, the compatibility level (e.g. via sp_dbcmptlevel) is set to 80 (which is Sql Server 2000). What are the consequences of that? Is there a performance penalty for my apps because of it? ...

Can I force Linq to Sql to use Sql2005Provider

This query (or rather one similar to it) is in a codebase we have already deployed. var timeblocks = from tb in DB.TimeBlocks where tb.StartDate.Date.AddDays(1) <= DateTime.Today select tb.Id; DB is a datacontext that connects to the database. TimeBlocks is a fairly simple table, StartDate is a DateTime column. Currently the...

sql server compatibility full text stoplists and noise words

if I am running sql server 2008 in compatibility level 90 (sql 2005) does it use the stoplist in the resource database or does it use ftdata\ENU.txt files??? also if I make my own stoplist in 2008 (using compatibility 100) can I ignore the system stoplist and use my own with my full text queries or will it use the system and my custom s...