
Alternatives to stock options as a way to motivate software engineers

I'm in the early stages of a relatively new company that is already cash-flow positive (despite the gloomy economy!), and I soon hope to hire some software developers. I'm thinking about some kind of profit or revenue share as a way to align employee's interests with those of the company as I'd prefer not to complicate the company's own...

When to say when with a startup company?

I've been a bit stressed out about this for a while, and figured I'd post here to see what other developers think. I'm with a startup company... a very small one. In fact, it's just me, my boss, and his son. I'm the only Software Engineer, as our only other Engineer (understandably) left for a much better job at an established company...

Programming Certification Etiquette and Procedure - Additional Compensation

I'm scheduled to take the Zend PHP5 Certification next month and had a few questions regarding the aftermath. Specifically, I believe it is common to be deserving additional compensation after earning a certification. I have a few questions regarding the process (Assuming one passes the requirements for certification): How does one app...

Compensating Developers with Great / Profitable Ideas

What kind of compensation should be given to a developer that comes up with a new idea or business unit for a business they work for? Should they get stock options, salary inreases, percent ownership in their product, etc.? I would like to hear experiences people have had with this as well as any ideas. ...

Compensating Developers in the future

We are a small C# product company that creates web-based productivity tools. I have a friend who does not have job currently and would like to do some development work in our product for future payment, profit sharing or ownership (maybe on the product or company). I was wondering if anybody has done this before or have some creative id...

iphone compass tilt compensation

hi, has anybody already programmed a iphone compass heading tilt compensation? i have got some approaches, but some help or a better solution would be cool! FIRST i define a vector Ev, calculated out of the cross product of Gv and Hv. Gv is a gravity vector i build out of the accelerometer values and Hv is an heading vector built out ...

Iphone compass tilt parasite

Hi, I use the heading value (return by the locationManager:didUpdateHeading:) but when the iphone is tilted this value sometimes change (from 5 to 50 degrees). Is someone faced the same problem? Is there a solution or is the magnetometer not enough accurate to give me more precise values? ...

Workflow 4 Unhandled Exception Recovery

Is there a way to recover from an unhandled exception that doesn't involve cancelling, terminating, or aborting a Workflow? What I'd like to do is have the Workflow restart or simply log the exception if possible. My workflow is long running and hosted in a WorkflowApplication, which is in a Windows Service. As of right now, if unhandl...