
How to return a 2D String array in java?

I have a method wherein i have to return a 2D String array. The part of code for that method is as follow:- public String[][] retrieveData(){ try{ int noOfRows = 0; pstmt = con.prepareStatement("select * from category"); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while( noOfRows++; rs.first(); categoryContent = new ...

.NET - Project Won't Build

I have a WPF/ASP.NET project which I haven't worked on for a while (ResourceBlender.NET - The project contains a DataLayer and a Core layer, these are both used by the WPF application and ASP.NET project in the solution. If the WPF project is set as the startup project and I try to build the applic...

How should I use an XSLT if statement properly?

I created an XSLT stylesheet which looks for a node and deletes it. This works great. I now want to check to see if a certain node exist and then delete that node if it is there. So I attempted to add an if-statement and that's were I ran into the following error: compilation error: file dt.xls line 10 element template element t...

Multiple wildcards on a generic methods makes Java compiler (and me!) very confused

Let's first consider a simple scenario (see complete source on import java.util.*; public class TwoListsOfUnknowns { static void doNothing(List<?> list1, List<?> list2) { } public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> list1 = null; List<Integer> list2 = null; doNothing(list1, list2...

"The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable" problem with charAt

private String kNow(String state, String guess) { for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) { if (guess.equals(word.charAt(i))) { state.charAt(i) = word.charAt(i); } } return state; } state.charAt(i) part points the problem in the title. How can I solve the problem, if ...

undefined symbol `MPI_recv'

when i am running my mpi program written in c language.It is giving error "undefined reference to `MPI_recv' " , what should i do to solve this error. ...

Unbound modules in OCaml

My problem is that ocamlc and ocamlopt apear to be refusing to find third party libraries installed through apt-get. I first started having this problem when I tried to incorporate third-party modules into my own OCaml programs, and quickly wrote it off as a personal failing in understanding OCaml compilation. Soon-- however-- I found my...

VS2008 "must implement" fake errors?

Hi. I have a VS 2008 VB.NET Solution, which is quite large. Every once in a while, if I take latest code from source control, I get hundreds of errors. These aren't real errors. They are all about classes not implementing functions/events from interfaces (which they DO implement). "Class [class name] must implement [event or function...

C++ program instruction

I have written out the program, however once I tried compileing it a get syntax errors and cannot fine where the syntax errors are. Would you know why my program won't compile? It should calculate number of second sound travels in difference gases, information given by user. include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; ...

bool from a struct lead to "error: expression must have class type"

I have a struct defined as struct sData{ idx * id; int * stime; bool * result; unsigned int N; }; Then the code that uses it in numeric compute(numeric e, sData swabs){ numeric cache=0.0; int sid=0; while(sid<swabs.N){ if(swab.result[sid]) cache += log(e); else cache += log(1.0-e); sid += 1; } retu...