
Why doesn't AspectJ compile-time weaving of Spring's @Configurable work?

Update 5: I've downloaded the latest Spring ToolsSuite IDE based on the latest Eclipse. When I import my project as a Maven project, Eclipse/STS appears to use the Maven goals for building my project. This means AspectJ finally works correctly in Eclipse. Update 4: I have ended up just using Maven + AspectJ plugin for compile-time weavi...

Startup performance of Spring @Configurable with Compile Time Weaving

Hi this is my first question on stack overflow, so please be kind. i am running an app with spring 2.5.x Configurable Annotations Compile time weaving (CTW) maven eclipse/ajdt I use CTW and everything runs fine. But if i instantiate an annotated class for the first time it takes very long. the second time it is very fast. Looking ...

Ant target for compile-time code instrumentation with Spring aspects

I have developed a web application using Netbeans 6.7 and Ant. The webapp works, but I would like to refactor the code to use @Configurable Spring annotation for cleaner dependency injection. I was able to get load-time weaving (LTW) of Spring aspects to work intermittently (see At...

How do you use Java 1.6 Annotation Processing to perform compile time weaving?

I have created an annotation, applied it to a DTO and written a Java 1.6 style annotationProcessor. I can see how to have the annotationProcessor write a new source file, which isn't what I want to do, I cannot see or find out how to have it modify the existing class (ideally just modify the byte code). The modification is actually fai...