
Android platform compile problem.

I'm compiling the android platform on my desktop. But, i have a problem: ============================================ PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME=AOSP PLATFORM_VERSION=AOSP TARGET_PRODUCT=generic TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=eng TARGET_SIMULATOR= TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release TARGET_ARCH=arm HOST_ARCH=x86 HOST_OS=linux HOST_BUILD_TYPE=release BUI...

ocamlbuild; building toplevel

Having successfully reorganized my project for ocamlbuild with subdirectories and using ocamlfind, I've found it difficult to build the top-level. I've constructed a .mltop file containing all the modules that would be included and added the packages to the _tags, but the build doesn't work. It cannot find the C functions that are compi...

Force visual studio to always 'rebuild all' when debugging

Edit: Basically what I need is for visual studio to always rebuild all when I hit debug. I'm currently using visual studio to compile my assembly programs, using MASM and in general it's working fine. However I've run into an annoying issue: If I include a file (say, a file with functions) like this Include and comp...

PHP templating challenge (optimizing front-end templates)

Hey all, I'm trying to do some templating optimizations and I'm wondering if it is possible to do something like this: function table_with_lowercase($data) { $out = '<table>'; for ($i=0; $i < 3; $i++) { $out .= '<tr><td>'; $out .= strtolower($data); $out .= '</td></tr>'; } $out .= "</table>"; ...

Statically Compiling Qt 4.6.2

This what I did but it results in errors: 1: In win32-msvc2008\qmake.conf I set QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE = -O1 -Og -GL -MD 2: From MSVC2008 CMD I run vcvarsall.bat x86 and vcvars32.bat "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin 3: From Qt 4.6.2 CMD I run the following C:\Qt\4.6.2>configure -release -nomake examples -nomak...

oracle's pro*C compiler and gnu C (__builtin_va_list, __attribute__, etc)

I'm compiling a database library with pro*C which converts the .ppc library file to a .c file that gcc can use. However, I'm getting a lot of errors in pro*C like the following PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__ attribute__ " when expecting one of the following ... , Encountered the symbol "__builtin_va_list" wh...

What is a good CPU/PC setup to speed up intensive C++/templates compilation?

I currently have a machine with an Opteron 275 (2.2Ghz), which is a dual core CPU, and 4GB of RAM, along with a very fast hard drive. I find that when compiling even somewhat simple projects that use C++ templates (think boost, etc.), my compile times can take quite a while (minutes for small things, much longer for bigger projects). Unf...

use MFC in static library compile errors vs2008

Hi, when all working project get modified by statically linking MFC (before was shared) this errors raised trough compiling: Error 36 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp____p__iob mysys.lib Error 37 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp____p__iob referenced in function __db_push_ libmysql.lib Error 38 error ...

Compiling linux sources in Windows enviroment

I got a source for console program written in c++ for linux Is there a (automated) way to compile this source to run in windows? and what about linux functions and libraries called in this file? Thanks ...

Compile batch file into an EXE file

I want to compile a batch file into an EXE file using C++. I can get through parsing the batch file and writing a new .cpp file. But I don't know how to compile the new .cpp file into an EXE file for the end user. OK, here's the thing, I am creating an application in DevC++ that will read in a batch file. Then, one by one parsing it usi...

Compiling Havok demos

I've downloaded and extracted the Havok demos, but the project has dependency on a folder: $(HAVOK_SDKS_DIR)/win32/dx/Include But it didn't set up a HAVOK_SDKS_DIR (there is no installer), and I can't find a win32/dx directory anywhere in the extracted Havok package. How can I get the demo files to build? What am I missing? ...

How do you compile a resource into the binary?

How do you compile a resource into the binary in XCode? That way is doesn't show up inside the application bundle as a file and it's not subject to manipulation by a user (whether good-intentioned or bad). Is this even possible? I'm particularly interested about this in terms of iPhone apps. Any help is appreciated! ...

Why aren't debugging symbols being added to my output file?

I am trying to compile a project to run on an ARM board that I have. To use the debugger, I have to put debugging symbols in the resulting .elf file. I configured everything and ran my makefile, which produced the following results: arm-elf-gcc -x assembler-with-cpp -c -mcpu=arm7tdmi-s -g -gdwarf-2 -Wa,-amhls=src/crt.lst src/crt.S -o...

In Ant, what's the difference between <sourcepath> and <src> elements?

In Ant, what's the difference between <sourcepath> and <src> elements? I'm using them as sub elements of <javac>. I read through the manual but maybe I missed the definition of <src>. Thanks! ...

stdexcept On Android

I'm trying to compile SoundTouch on Android. I started with this configure line: ./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/Volumes/android-build/mydroid/development/ndk/build/platforms/android-3/arch-arm/usr/include/" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath-link=/Volumes/android-build/mydroid/development/ndk/build/platforms/android-3/arch-arm/usr/lib -L/Volumes/android-bu...

Splitting a C++ class into files now won't compile.

Hi. I am teaching myself to write classes in C++ but can't seem to get the compilation to go through. If you can help me figure out not just how, but why, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance! Here are my three files: make_pmt.C #include <iostream> #include "pmt.h" using namespace std; int main() { CPMT *pmt = n...

Why does C++ linking use virtually no CPU? (updated)

On a native C++ project, linking right now can take a minute or two, yet during this time CPU drops from 100% during compilation to virtually zero. Does this mean linking is primarily a disk activity? If so, is this the main area an SSD would make big changes? But, why aren't all my OBJ files (or as many as possible) kept in RAM after co...

Warning: cast increases required alignment

I'm recently working on this platform for which a legacy codebase issues a large number of "cast increases required alignment to N" warnings, where N is the size of the target of the cast. struct Message { int32_t id; int32_t type; int8_t data[16]; }; int32_t GetMessageInt(const Message& m) { return *reinterpret_cast<int32...

AVR32 Studio throw compiling error "region CPUSRAM is full", chip UC3A0512

Problem as titled, thanks in advance ...

C compiler cannot create executables when trying to build Binutils

I am trying to build Linux From Scratch, and now I am at chapter 5.4, which tells me how to build Binutils. I have binutils 2.20's source code, but when I try to build it: time { ./binutils-2.20/configure --target=$LFS_TGT --prefix=/tools --disable-nls --disable-werror ; } it gives me an error: checking build system type... i686-pc-l...