
How do I find records that are not joined?

I have two tables that are joined together. A has many B Normally you would do: select * from a,b where b.a_id = To get all of the records from a that has a record in b. How do I get just the records in a that does not have anything in b? ...

How to query excel file in C# using a detailed query

Hi - The following code returns data from a spreadsheet into a grid perfectly [ string excelConnectString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source = " + excelFileName + ";" + "Extended Properties = Excel 8.0;"; OleDbConnection objConn = new OleDbConnection(excelConnectStr...

How to get Vector of Complex numbers from two vectors (real & imag)

Hi, I have two vectors of floats and i want them to become one vector of Complex numbers. I'm stuck. I don't mind using iterators, but i am sure it'd be rediscovering the wheel i'm not informed about. Is my code leading me in the right direction? typedef std::vector<float> CVFloat; CVFloat vA, vB; //fil vectors typedef std::complex<CVFl...

Understanding Discrete Fourier Tranform

Hello, I have a small query regarding the discrete Fourier transforms. If I understand correctly, then what we do is convert a polynomial to its point value representation, with n points for a polynomial that goes up to the power of n-1. But why must we evaluate it at the nth roots of unity? Wouldn't any other n points uniquely identify ...

Retrieving a current and most recent previous value (Oracle)

Hi all, I'm facing a problem which I've spent a great deal of time trying to address, and although I have a solution, it's clunky and involves pl/sql processing, and I was wondering what others might come up with. I'm working with a dataset that creates a new row every time a record is changed, thus maintaining a history. The most up-to...

Can you use ASP.NET MVC UpdateModel() with complex Model Object containing List<T> while attempting to include (white list) and/or exclude (black list) certain fields?

Hi, I've seen articles and blog posts indicating what I am attempting to do should be supported; however, I have been unable to get it working so hopefully someone can confirm that it does/does not work and/or tell me what I am doing wrong. I have a "complex" model (Invoice containing a List of InvoiceItem) that I am attempting to bind...

Complex DataMapper query association

Hello, im a beginner with DataMapper ORM, so i have question about complex querying. First, here is simplified data objects: class User property :id, Serial property :login, String has n, :actions end class Item property :id, Serial property :title has n, :actions has n, :users, :through => :actions end ...

Flash Lite access complex data on the webservice .net based?

Hi All, I am new to flashlite/actionscript, my problem is.. how can i call a method in the webservice having complex data(return data and paramters), The web service is .net based and it is tuned for a mobile friendly type of webservice(without xsd:import)... And the problem is brought up when the complex data from/parameter of WS is a s...

C99 complex support with visual studio

I would like to use complex numbers as defined in C99, but I need to support compilers which do not support it (MS compilers come to mind). I don't need many functions, and implementing the needed functions on compilers without support is not too difficult. But I have a hard time implementing the 'type' itself. Ideally, I would like to ...

Consuming apachesoap:Map complex datatype in webservice using .net

Hi there, I have a webservice programmed in coldfusion which I'm attempting to consume using The particular webservices returns a coldfusion structure (a collection of items with a key and a value) which is exposed by the webservice as a complex object of type apachesoap:Map <wsdl:message name="getDetailResponse"> <wsdl:p...

Alternative to Complex.h in Visual Studio

I know very little about VS, and was surprised when my linux code did not compile on windows. The problem seams from the lack of <complex.h> in VS. My question is this: do people re-implement in their Windows applications, or is there a public domain version. ...

complex sql tree rows

table structure id | message | reply_id 1 | help me! | 0 434 | love to | 1 852 | didn't work | 434 0110 | try this | 852 2200 | this wont | 0 5465 | done. :) | 0110 i have a id "852" which is middle of tree menu, but i want to get all the previous related and next re...

Excel 2003 Charting: Chart Data Too Complex

I have written a macro in excel 2007 to log water-level readings. Once logged, it automatically charts the data for each of the 30 wells. However, when the workbook is opened in Excel 2003, the chart does not work complaining that the chart data is too complex to be displayed (works fine in 2007). There is one series per well (each well...

sql complex tree rows

i have following function with a query. it works fine with integer id, but if the id is varchar (ID: Xewi3adc), then it dont work. well i dont know how to make it work yet, i been making lots of modifications, but i could'nt get it work. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS album_tree_connect; DELIMITER $$ CREATE FUNCTION album_tree_connect(value...

Hibernate Self Join

Background I have a table with columns id, imageId, propertyId. There could be many images associated with a single property and there could be many properties associated with a single image. imageId - many-to-many - propertyId I have a list of propertyIds and I want to find out all the images associated with all the propertyIds usi...

(Rails) Visually representing multitiered complex queries...?

Hi All, So I have a bit of a problem. I need to set up dynamic queries with a particular group of "entities" in Rails. And I need multiple levels for each item. Basically this particular entity relationship is as follows: CHART has many POINTS POINTS belong to many CHARTS Now, when it comes to displaying CHARTS, the application wil...

Rails named routes using complex parameter names

I need to create a pretty route for an action that is expecting ugly nested parameter names (this is set and not something I can change at this time). So instead of[type]=leader&amp;program[leader_id]=12345 I want The problem is that Rails rou...

How complex an object can be passed to silverlight from server, using WCF?

hello, Please note that my experience in Silverlight/.Net and WCF is about two weeks of googling and deciphering tutorials. I need to attempt and provide feedback to a client on if Silverlight will be a possible solution to their application needing a RIA front end. The client has a rather large .Net based application with a UI layer bu...

CSE 214 , Java, complex number help

This is a CSE homework, I was hoping there might be some friendly guys and gals out there that might take a quick look and see if it looks good to turn in, thanks Y'all. Here are the instructions and the code I wrote, -Kyle write a ComplexNumber class with: (1) a constructor which does not take any parameters (where the defaul...

Iterators at critical logic

In a recent interview one peculiar question has been asked a[]= { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} When an array is given with specified starting index i have to iterate it till i traverse all elements. I mean suppose the starting index is "5" i have to start from 6,7,8,9,10,5,4,3,2,1.Please carefully look at the sequence ,how can one create ...