
What is the best practice for domain model re-use in composite applications?

We have a composite application built using the Composite UI Application Block (CAB)/Smart Client Software Factory (SCSF). To date, each module in our composite app has used its own set of DTO's, and business logic has been duplicated throughout the module, both in the UI layer and the Service layer. I would like to pursue more Domain-...

Prevent WPF Frame from storing history in the stack

This seems like it would be an easy solution, but I'm wasting too much time trying to figure this out. Perhaps I am designing my application incorrectly (which might be the case), so please help me out if you have a better solution. I'm designing an enterprise level WPF application that looks a lot like Outlook with a Ribbon instead of...

Utilizing Frames/Pages and Composite Application Guidance (Prism) in Silverlight Solution

Is there any way to use pages/frames in a Silverlight Composite Application? I have previously created a Silverlight Application that utilizes System.Windows.Controls.Navigation.Frame and System.Windows.Controls.Pages. Here is the key piece of code: <navigation:Frame x:Name="FrameMain" Source="/Pages/StartPage.xaml"/> I am trying to ...