
In Prism (Composite Application Guidelines), how can I get views dynamically loaded into TabControl?

In a Prism v2 application, I define two regions, each a tabitem in a tabcontrol: <UniformGrid Margin="10"> <TabControl> <TabItem Header="First" Name="MainRegion" cal:RegionManager.RegionName="MainRegion"/> <TabItem Header="Second" Name="SecondRegion" cal:RegionManager.RegionName="SecondRegion"/> </TabControl> </U...

How to get Prism RegionManager to add two views instead of only one

I'm using the Composite Application Guidelines (Version 2, Feb 2009). I've built the Shell with one region, a Bootstrapper and an Employee Module with two views, both of which I want the RegionManager to add to one region in the shell. However, only the last view added to the RegionManager is displayed in the region. What do I need to...