
Enable UIImagePickerController video compression

Is there a way to enable video compression on video files recorded with UIImagePickerController? When videos are selected from cameraroll with UIImagePickerController they are automatically compressed. Are there any other way of compress a video? I've got access to the file with a NSURL. ...

Google Closure MSBuild Task Error

I am trying to write a custom task in my MSBuild file to compress some js files with Google Closure Compiler. I downloaded the ClosureCompiler.dll and ClosureCompiler.tasks files from the site and have kept them in a folder on my m/c. I added the below lines in my csproj file <Import Project="C:\Projects\Closure\ClosureCompiler.tasks" /...

gzip compression excepections?

Hi, Is there any way to project what kind of compression result you'd get using gzip on an arbitrary string? What factors contribute to the worst and best cases? I'm not sure how gzip works, but for example a string like: "fffffff" might compress well compared to something like: "abcdefg" where do I start? Thanks ...

C++ fast bit array class for streaming compression algorithms

Implementing streaming compression algorithms, one usually need a super-fast FIFO bit container class with the following functions: AddBits(UINT n, UINT nBits); // Add lower nBits bits of n GetBitCount(); // Get the number of bits currently stored GetBits(BYTE* n, UINT nBits); // Extract n Bits, and remove them The nu...

Is it possible to send a zipped Object via struts2 to a JSP page?

Hi, I'm using Java+struts2+JSP as the web application framework. I have to pass some huge objects through struts actions to my jsp pages. this makes the pages so heavy to load and on the other hand they suck the server's bandwidth out. Is there any way to send compressed objects via struts2 to a jsp page and decompress them there? ...

How to compress a string?

Hi all, I would like to have a reversible compression for a type of string so that i can include it in URLs without keeping track of what it refers to. The string i would like to compress is SVG path string, here is a short primer: Basically, the string contains a character, followed by arbitrary num...

Any Library/Class To Decode/Encode Gzip, compress, x-gzip or x-compress?

Any Php Class To Decode/Incode Strings with Gzip, compress, x-gzip or x-compress Algorithm . Thanks ...

If we use apache or lightspeed web server, and use gzip on our content, will it compute that compression for EVERY request?

I was just wondering, it seems like a trivial thing, but the question arises, does the web server compute compression on files for every request that is made? if so, that would be hell CPU heavy as the site grows, what are the possible work arounds if that is the case? I thought it would be nice to pre compress files and use some mod_re...

doing math on files.

I am writing a program in C for file compression. The method i am trying to use involves doing math on the file as if it were one long number. Can anyone recommend a bignum library that would not try to do all of that in ram, but rather let me do math with file pointers. any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance. ...

Can DeflateStream or GZipStream be used to deflate an uncompressed file?

I'm trying to implement file compression to an application. The application has been around for a while, so it needs to be able to read uncompressed documents written by previous versions. I expected that DeflateStream would be able to process an uncompressed file, but for GZipStream I get the "The magic number in GZip header is not co...

How to set mod_deflate preferred compression method to deflate

The title says it all. mod_deflate always sends gzip data when the request header Accept-Encoding is gip, deflate. How can I tell mod_deflate to prefer to send deflate (NOT zlib) instead of gzip? If this isn't possible...why would the develpers name the module mod_deflate when it can't deflate. Also, what is the best way, if any, for ...

One library for deflate, gzip, and zlib in .net

First, let's define some commonly confused terms: deflate = compression_algorithm; zlib = header + deflate + trailer; gzip = header + deflate + trailer; I'm looking for a library that will basically let me do the following: if(method == "gzip"){ Response.Filter = new CompressionLibrary.OutputStream(Response.Filter, CompressionLib...

Archive SQL dumps better?

I am dumping my SQL db with the script below. My site isnt used often so the DB is unchanged for days. The only difference is the last line which is the dump date. Each dump is about 400k uncompressed and 107kb as a .sql.gz file. I decide to compress them as a solid archive with 7z and rar. In both cases i get 950kb with 32files. I feel ...

Javascript and CSS - Compress and Caching

I have a single huge minified JavaScript file (ditto for CSS). I am looking for some optimization in terms of speed of download and caching. I want to set the expiry headers for both these files such that with only 2 HTTP calls I get them (and until I change their version number in the URL) want them to be cached. My question is - Whe...

What are the best HTML+CSS compression methods?

Hi, I have an ASP.NET web application and I'm thinking about the following: before sending any HTML or CSS content to users, I wish to 'compress' them, then cache the result and send that to the clients. I know it is possible to compress these by removing whitespaces, comments and stuff like that, but I'm not really familiar with more ...

apache mod_deflate not compressing

Hi, I've done the following to enable and configure mod_deflate in apache running on ubuntu >sudo a2enmod deflate >sudo apache2ctl restart >sudo vi deflate.conf <IfModule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/css text/xml application/x-javascript text/javascript application/javascript DeflateFilt...

What is the fastest bzip2 decompressor?

Hello. Which implementation of bzip2 have the biggest decompression speed? There is a which claims Size and speed optimizations by Manuel Novoa III ([email protected]). More efficient reading of huffman codes, a streamlined read_bunzip() function, and va...

How to tell if a file is gzip compressed?

I have a Python program which is going to take text files as input. However, some of these files may be gzip compressed. Is there a cross-platform, usable from Python way to determine if a file is gzip compressed or not? Is the following reliable or could an ordinary text file 'accidentally' look gzip-like enough for me to get false po...

Tarring only the files of a directory

If I have a folder with a bunch of images, how can I tar ONLY the images and not the folder structure leading to the images without having to CD into the directory of images? tar czf images.tgz /path/to/images/* Now when images.tgz is extracted, the contents that are extracted are /path/to/images/... How I can only have the images inc...

How is memory compression achieved.?

How is memory compression achieved.? What is compcache..? How do I choose an appropriate technique for my system (its a telecom sw - running on SMP LINUX (from Windriver system)+Cavium Octeon processor)). There is just a physical memory of 2 GB with no swap. ...