
How would you write a non-recursive algorithm to calculate factorials?

How would you write a non-recursive algorithm to compute n!. ...

Datatable's Compute Function For Rows

As we know that, with compute function of datatable we can get sum of columns. But I want to get sum of a row of datatable. How can I do it with 1.1? Edit: I will explain with a example: I have a datatable like image below: With compute function we can get the sum of each column (product). Such as for product1, 2 + 12 + 50 + ...

How do I compute a win/loss percentage in Visual Basic?

Huge noob here trying to teach himself VB. I need to compute the percentage of games won and games lost. I keep getting errors and it's driving me up a wall. I've changed my code so many times that I don't really remember what it was like when I started. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance. Private Sub btnPercentage...

Datatable Compute Function for multiple colmuns

I want to count the number of non-null values per column in a Datatable. I could loop through the columns and use the compute function on each column, but I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this. ...

We know log_add, but how to do log_subtract?

Multiplying two numbers in log space means adding them: log_multiply(x, y) = log( exp(x) * exp(y) ) = x + y Adding two numbers in log space means you do a special log-add operation: log_add(x, y) = log( exp(x) + exp(y) ) which is implemented in the following code, in a way that doesn't require us to take the two ...

SQL - Reference current row in a computed column with SELECT

Hi, I have a table that represents the parameters of a contract - including their change over time through addendums. The first addendum is a "special" addendum representing the parameters when the contract was first signed. Here's how the table should look like: ID ProjectID BeginDate DeadlineMonths DeadlineDate 1 20 20-12-2...

add extra column value to a column sum

Hi all, I have the following issue: I have a report that uses a Dataset as its datasource. The dataset has two tables, one would be the main table, say Employee, and the second table is EmployeePaycheck, so an employee can have several paychecks. I can compute the sum of a column in the second table, say paycheckValue, but what I can't s...

Visual basic 6.0 - ComputeHash invalid procedure call or argument error

I am getting the error "invalid procedure call or arguments" at the step computeHash(). Any help highly appreciated. Private Sub Form_Load() Dim rngcsp As New RNGCryptoServiceProvider '= new RNGCryptoServiceProvider() Dim u8 As Encoding 'u8 = Encoding.UTF8 Dim minSaltSize As Integer Dim maxSaltSize As Integer Dim saltSize As Inte...

AS3 computeSpectrum fft true

I am just trying to understand what the values sent back from computeSpectrum(bytes,true,0) mean. I have values ranging from 0 to 1 for each float i read from the byte array but does each value represent a range of Hz Thanks! ...

Sum selected rows in datatable only ?

Hi I have a datatable which has an amount column & a status column. I want to sum only those rows who have status '1'. How to do this ? I am summing the column via datatable Compute method. Please advice. ...

ASP.NET on cloud server

My website is running quite well and serving lacks of pages on daily basis. We want to add one more web server to share load on server at heavy traffic times. Instead, can I go with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) or any other cloud service as an alternative solution. In cloud server environment, need I to install multiple instances...

How to display latency, memory ops, and arithmetic ops in Nvidia Compute Profiler

Hey all, I heard that with the Nvidia compute profiler, it should be possible to get a comparison of how much time is being spent for arithmetic ops, memory ops, or on latency. I searched the profiler after running my program and I tried googling, but I don't see anything related to figuring out this metrics. Can anybody help, is my qu...

Size of statically allocated shared memory per block question with Compute Prof (Cuda/OpenCL)

In Nvidia's compute prof there is a column called "static private mem per work group" and the tooltip of it says "Size of statically allocated shared memory per block". My application shows that I am getting 64 (bytes I assume) per block. Does that mean I am using somewhere between 1-64 of those bytes or is the profiler just telling me t...

What is with the Disable Profiling option button on the Compute Profiler?

Why is there a button for enabling and disabling profiling on the Compute Profiler? If I disable profiling, then I can't launch my application for profiling. So why does profiling need to be disabled at all? ...

Is it possible to compare more than two kernels executions at a time in Compute Prof (OpenCL/CUDA)

Is it possible to compare more than two kernels executions at a time in Compute Prof? ...

Question about gld_efficiency and gst_efficiency in Nvidia Compute Visual Profiler

I have a compute capability 1.2 card. It reports gld_efficiency and gst_efficiency for me. My problem is that I sometimes get values beyond the 0-1 range, sometimes greater than 2. Page 57 of the User Guide for the Compute Visual Profiler states that they should be between 0-1, so I am confused. Can anybody explain? ...

Question about Compute Visual Profiler and number of blocks for profiling

On page 51 of the Compute Visual Profiler User Guide it states that: " Note that in case the number blocks in a kernel is less than or not a multiple of the number of multiprocessors the counters values across multiple runs will not be consistent. " Is that an inclusive or exc...