
Should I use concrete Inheritance or not?

I have a project using Propel where I have three objects (potentially more in the future) Occasion Event extends Occasion Gig extends Occasion Occasion is an item that has the shared things, that will always be needed (Venue, start, end etc) With this - I want to be able to add in extra functionality, say for example, adding "Band" ...

How do I find a list of subclasses for a propel model with concrete inheritance

I'm building a mini-cms for my local charity (yes, I know I could use a floss project, but they want custom coded) My propel schema currently looks as such:- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <database name="sja" defaultIdMethod="native"> <table name="section"> <column name="id" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" require...