
Why is Stylesheet loaded when Contional Comment states it should be ignored?

I thought conditional comments would instruct the browser to ignore the content if the condition is not met?! For example I want to only include a stylesheet if IE6 is the browser. The following in located in the <HEAD> element of the page. <!--[if IE 6]> <link id="IE6StyleSheet" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="~/css/IE6.css"...

Creating conditional comments with XSLT ?

I want to create conditional comments in XSLT. But when I use this: <!-- [If IE7] [endif] --> in an <xsl:comment>, XSLT removes it from the output when it is rendered. Is there any way to create conditional comments in XSLT? ...

Conditional Comments and Valid XHTML

Given the code (which looks like it should be valid): <!--[if lt IE 7]> <style type="text/css" media="screen"> <!-- div.stuff { background-image: none; } --></style><![endif]--> The W3C validator throws a fit: S separator in comment declaration invalid comment declaration: found name start character outside comment but inside commen...

How to write conditional comment for non IE browsers?

I don't want to use a couple of javascript plugins for IE 6/7. But I want to use them for all other browsers. How can I do it? Is there any way I can do it? ...

Do IE Conditional Comments slow down page load?

I've been having the "CSS hacks" vs "Conditional Comments" argument enough times lately that I thought I'd throw this question out to the Stack Overflow community. <!--[if IE]> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="ie-specific.css" /> <![endif]--> The main argument against using IE Conditional Comments seems to be that you're...

/*@cc_on and IE6 detection

When researching JavaScript conditional comments for IE, I stumbled upon @cc_on. This seems to work. However, the wikipedia entry on conditional comments provides the following code for more robust IE detections, specifically IE6: /*@cc_on @if (@_jscript_version > 5.7) document.write("You are using IE8+"); @elif (@_jscri...

How to link a conditional style sheet without access to the head

I am working in an enterprise CMS (Autonomy/Interwoven Teamsite) that does not give me direct access to the head of a page. I can only link style sheets and add external js files. Normally I would add a conditional comment to link an ie6/ie7 stylesheet. In some searching I've found a way to target ie with conditional commenting inside j...

Do IE Conditional Comments work inline?

Should this work? <!--[if IE]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/minify/css?f=ie8.css<!--[if lte IE 7]>,ie7.css<![endif]--><!--[if lte IE 6]>,ie6.css<![endif]-->" /> <![endif]--> Apparently nested comments don't work, so what about this? <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/minify/css?f=someotherfile.css<!--[if I...

Using IE conditional comments to include CSS or JavaScript files results in more http requests

A web designer has created pages for us with IE-specific comments. Consequently, certain stylesheets are only included if the user is using a specific version of IE: <!--[if lt IE 7]> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/ie6-fixes.css" media="screen" /> <![endif]--> The same technique has been used for JavaScript file...

Why isn't my IE6 Conditional stylesheet not working?

This is driving me nuts. I'm trying to use a conditional IE6 stylesheet. I posted this test page here. Here is the code I placed in my head tags: <!--[if IE 6]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie6.css" /> <![endif]--> The ie6.css should set the body background to red when viewed in IE6. What's wrong here? I'm sure it...

Including style sheets for different browsers without JavaScript

I have a utility that scans through my css file and embeds images as base64 to reduce the amount of requests made to the server. Unfortunatly, IE does not support this. I know how to include IE specific style sheets using conditional comments, but what about FF, Opera and Webkit? I don't want to give IE style sheets that it doesn't use....

Conditional CSS file doesn't override regular CSS

I am using conditional comments to link to a css file (let's call it "IEonly.css") if the IE version is less than 8. I am trying to override some properties in the regular css file. Strangely enough, IEonly.css will set new css properties correctly, but it won't override the properties in the regular CSS file! (I am trying to make this...

HTML / Conditional Comments - Do conditional comments behave as expected across browsers?

Do conditional comments behave as expected across browsers? Can they cause rendering bugs or other issues? Are there any errors in the formatting/syntax of this CC? <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="718" height="227" id="swf"> <param name="movie" value="images/swf.swf" /> <!--[if !IE]>--> <...

Will IE9 support conditional comments?

I thought I remembered reading somewhere that IE9 would not be supporting them, but now after searching I can't find any indication that this is true. Is anyone aware of a definitive statement, either way, about whether Microsoft will be supporting conditional comments in IE9? ...

Conditional Comments Firefox

Are there specific Conditional Comments available for older versions of Firefox? (eg 3.0) ...

CSS conditional comments for other Browsers except IE?

So far I know, the conditional comments are only supported for different Versions of IE. Likeways, can we provide conditional comments for other browsers too. If Yes, How? If no, what could be the best alternative? ...

Can we use like this <body class="all" <!--[if IE 7]>class="ie"<![endif]--> >

Can we use like this <body class="all" <!--[if IE 7]>class="ie"<![endif]--> >? I want to keep all CSS in one file. ...

Determine if in IE8 Compatibility Mode using conditionals

Hi, I understand from my research that IE8 does annoying things like forcing itself into IE7 mode for local intranet hosts and local IP ranges. I understand from a previous question that there is no way to use conditional statements as, irrespective of whether IE8 is rendering in IE8 or IE7 mode, it will still only use the <!--[if IE 8]...

IE condition CSS include

Hy there... I have a problem with Internet Explorer conditional comments... I use this condition <!--[if lte IE8]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/&gt; <![endif]--> The problem is that in < IE8.0 i get output <!--[if lte IE8]><![endif]--> before any other output... Why?!? In Fi...

can i include ie conditional comments inside an opening tag

basically I'd like to know if this code is ok <body id="some_id" <!--[if lt IE 7 ]>class="ie6"<![endif]--> > </body> ...