
Could not find a part of the path

Hey I'm using the ExeConfigurationFileMap class's OpenMappedExeConfiguration method to open a config file. The config file is used by two programs in the same directory. Everything is working fine on my development machine but when I copied the programs to another machine I get this error while executing the program Code not find a par...

Decrypt (only) connection string section in Winforms app.config

Ok, I know this has been asked a thousand times before, but no conclusive solution has been here is another really silly question! I have a Winforms 3.5 app and using LINQ to SQL, hence the Connection string is ALWAYS stored in "app.config" by default (and VS2008 will not accept any other way of storing this - Ive even trie...

nginx: parse *.cgi as php

Is it possible to parse *.cgi files as php, and how? location ~ \.php$ { fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_buffer_size 128k; fastcgi_buffers 4 256k; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /srv/htdocs$fastcgi_script_name; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; } ...

How to edit application .NET config files from external application

Hello, Our main .NET application uses standard .NET XML config files for storing all the settings. Lets call our app: APPMAIN. As you probably know this means that all default settings are stored in the readonly app.config file. At the moment the application changes a user setting, a new file will be generated (user.config) that contain...

Editing a custom configuration section in an installer class

I am trying to update a custom configuration section of a web.config file during the installation of my product in a custom action. I wanted to use the actual configration classes to do this however when the installer runs it loads my installer class but then the Configuration.GetSection throw a File Not Found exception as it is trying ...

single app.config multi-project c#

I want to use a single app.config by 3 different projects. How to access the configurations? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["config1"] ...

config.php in root hacker safe with permission set to 644?

Hello. I it safe to place config.php in the root of your website even though it has premissions set to 644? ...

Does CruiseControl.NET support access to a repository via the http protocol?

I am trying to set up on the project I'm working on at the minute. I have done this before using a config containing lines like these: and svn:// However this time I only have read only access to the repository via HTTP as opposed to via svn. Will the same config work with the trunkUrl set ...

PHP - define constants versus using config.ini

Performance wise, I was wondering which method of defining constants/settings is better? Using a config.ini file through a class like Zend_Config_Ini or just defining a series of php constants? ...

How do I prevent security overrides in my WCF service config file?

I have to create a WCF service which returns sensitive information to the client. I need to ensure that the security of the service cannot be compromised easily. I'll use WCF's built in security mechanisms to protect the data on the wire by using a wsHttpBinding with certificate security. However, I also want to ensure that the service'...

WCF and IIS issue. The type could not be found

Hi all. I've found a lot of similar looking issues, but nothing that has made it clear to me why I am getting an error I'm getting. Using all sorts of WCF projects, if I try to host them in IIS I get the following error: The type 'Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.CalculatorService', provided as the Service attribute value in th...

PUT/POST not working in self-hosted WCF REST configuration

Greetings! I have a self-hosted server (Windows service) that is supporting both SOAP/RPC (this may go away in the future) and REST. The RESTful GETs are working as expected, but PUT/POST are giving a 405 error (Method Not Supported). I'm pretty sure this is a configuration issue with my app.config, but I'm pretty new to this and am not...

Config files containing environment-specific settings

In my organization we have multiple environments (Dev, QA, Stage, Prod, Disaster Recovery) and I would like my app/web.config files to contain no environment specific details in URIs, connections strings, etc. My preferred approach would be to perform run-time substitution, e.g. Instead of this: <endpoint address="http://MyDevWebServer/...

ClickOnce configuration deployment

I'm deploing an applicaiton using ClickOnce, the problem is that the configuration file (xxx.exe.config) is not embedded in the package and there is no option to include it. Another problem with the config is that When I'm trying to manually write it to the directory where it is delopyed (Environment.CurrentDirectory) I'm getting an exce...

How can I find out where a Perl module is installed?

How do get the path of a installed Perl module by name, e.g. Time::HiRes? I want this just because I have to run my perl script on different nodes of a SGE Grid Engine system. Sometimes, even run as other username. I can use to install packages for myself, but it is not so easy to install for other users without chmod 666 on fo...

Webserver not connecting to WCF service

I have the the following scenario: MyWCFProject.dll - this is a WCF service which is hosted in IIS at http://mywebsite/ MyWebProject.dll - this is an MVC project which displays the webpages for the site also hosted by IIS at http://mywebsite/ MySilverlight.xap - a silverlight application. MyWCFProject.dll has a number of services. ...

suPHP upgrade causing 500 internal server error

I have my server perform a yum update every night. Last night, it updated suPHP to the newest version: Oct 16 01:25:43 Updated: This update has caused my website to throw a 500 internal server error. From what I've been able to find, I should only have to change the last two lines in my suphp.conf file t...

Inject a simple map into a Grails controller

Hi, I'm trying to inject a Map into a Grails controller. I want to inject the same map into many controllers so would like to define it in resources.groovy. I've looked on the web but can't find an example of creating a simple map. In Spring MVC I've used something like this: <util:map id="diplomaPermissions"> <entry> <key>...

Best Practices for creating a PHP INI/CONFIG file and keep it secure

I always used a normal PHP file and just defined the variables in that file, but is this considered best practice? Example: <?php define('DB_PASS', 'p@ssw0rd'); ?> ...

How should I save and load user configuration files for a game in C++?

I need a way to save and load user configurations for a game (controls, graphics, etc.) to a file. I want to do this in a cross-platform manner, and if I have to use libraries, I want them to have a simple enough syntax. How do I save and load config files, and what format should I use? XML and INI seem popular but all of the parsers I h...