
SQL Server 2000 connection string converted to SQL Server 2008

I have a SQL Server 2000 connection string that I need to work with SQL Server 2008. I am using a DSN and it works just fine, but when I try to connect from the web page, the page never loads and I have to restart my IIS to get the web page to load again. this is my SQL Server 2000 string: MM_RFI_Datasource_STRING = "DSN=RFI_Datasour...

Protecting connection strings during dev

We need to protect connection strings during development. On servers we use DPAPI which works fine. DPAPI is not an option during dev since the connection strings will need to be decrypted on many machines. Some of the user names/password used for dev are rather sensitive and we don't want them floating around. It's fine for all the ...

How to enable MS-SQL Compact Database encryption on first program run when using it with the Entity Framework?

OK, here is the szenario: I'm coding a .NET 3.5 WPF-Aapplication, using the Microsoft Entity Framework to use a compact database file (.sdf) for storing data. On my first program start a computer-based encryption key is calculated and saved into the registry and my sdf-File should become encrypted with this key (or rather with a somehow...

ASP.NET ERROR : Keyword not supported: 'provider'

My app fails at this line of code: Dim objConnection As New SqlConnection(Application("ConnString")) My connection string is: "Server=testAITSQL;Database=SSCommerce;UID=PlanoWebApp;PWD=XXXXXXXX;" I googled this problem and the solution for it was having a malformed connection string where the "provider" was being specified when it ...

Entity Framework - how can I change connection string to be relative?

Hi, Can someone confirm how to change the auto-generated connection string for an entity framework application so that it is relative? That is so it will work for anyone who downloads and installs the application. That is, currently the connection string auto-generated for me has an absolute path in it. See below for an example: <a...

advice on best practice when connecting ASP.NET application to SQL Server

I have an ASP.NET application that uses the membership functionality. I connect to a SQL Server database that contains the aspnet_membership schema. I currently am using "sa" and the sa password in my application's connection string which, I know, is a horrible thing to do. My question is, what is the best alternative for the connection ...

EntityFramework Connection problem

Hello Everyone. I have a solution in Visual Studio 2008 with 3 projects. One Web Application and 2 class libraries. The entity framework model is in a class library and the start project is the web application. I used to have this problem: "The specified named connection is either not found in the configuration, not intended to be use...

Interaction with Lotus Connections

Hi, I need to get the data from some lotus connection site, for example user's status, from the other site. I try to setup a connection with lotus via java, e.g. > server = "https://" + path + param + "&format=full"; > URL profiles_url = new URL(server); > // Open the URL: throws exception if not found > HttpURLConnection profiles_...

JDBC connect string and Oracle synonyms

Hi, we have a Java program connecting via JDBC thin client to an Oracle 10g database. Everything was working fine, but now the DBA wants us to connect with a different username/password, which is supposed to have access to the same tables using public synonyms. Unfortunately the Java program no longer sees the tables (see error below wh...

Quick ways to test OLE DB Connection String

Hi all: For debugging purpose I'd like to know ways to test OLE DB connection string quickly. I've found this free software, it works on my machine, tested successfully. Is there a even quicker way to do so, maybe from command line on Windows? Because most of the time, it is the client rather than me that would do this task, so I pref...

Can Oracle encoding be set in connection-string?

My test-database has a AL32UTF8 encoding, however the production database has a WE8ISO8859P1 encoding. My application is writen in .NET and I use the default System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection class to make the connection. I create a IDbCommand and I add IDbDataParameter objects when I want to INSERT some strings with non ASCII s...

Changing your web.config from your ASP.NET application

I need to change the database connection string in the web.config file but havent got a clue how to go about this. Does anyone have any experience with that? UPDATE Sorry, not very clear above, I want to be able to change a connection string from the web application after it has been deployed ...

ASP.NET connection string deployment best practice

I've collected a (hopefully useful) summary of the ways I've researched to accomplish the subject of this post, as well as the problems I have with them. Please tell me if you've found other ways you like better, especially if they resolve the problems that the methods I mention do not. Leave connection strings in web.config and use XD...

storing multiple connection string in xml file

hi everybody, Based on company and unit selected by user i have to select connection string. I want to know what is the best practice to store multiple connection string. Should i store it in XML file or web.config file? or at any other place. Thank you very much ...

Keeping ConnectionStrings in a global class

Instead of calling ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("db1").ToString() and ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("db2").ToString() all over the place in my DAL, would it be fine to create a static global class (ConnStrings) with static read-only properties (db1 and db2) and replace the calls with ConnStrings.db1 and ConnStrings.db2...

ConnectionString For Getting An Excel File Problem

Possible Duplicate: ConnectionString For Getting An Excel File Problem hi my Dear Friends : in have an Excel File Named (a.xlsx) in A Folder Named (ExcelFiles). ExcelFiles Foldre Is in the root Of project. so my connctionstring for getting excel file data is like this : <add name="xlsx" connectionString="Provider=Microsof...

ConnectionString For Getting An Excel File Problem

hi my Dear Friends : in have an Excel File Named (a.xlsx) in A Folder Named (ExcelFiles). the ExcelFiles Folder Is located in the root Of my project. so my connection string for getting excel file data is like this : <add name="xlsx" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=aaa\ExcelFiles\a.xlsx;Extended Proper...

EF4 and Connection String

I have a 3 tiered project. 1) Project.Data (EDMX file) 2) Project.Model (POCO's) 3) Project.Console (Console app) I have added the connection string into the Project.Console. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <connectionStrings> <add name="ProjectEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Project.c...

Can we change the settings of the Windows applications app.config?

Hi everyone, I have two app.config's in my application where i have written two connectionstrings in one config file and another two in other config file .Now in .cs file i have written this string Connect = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["con1"].ConnectionString.ToString(); string Connect = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrin...

Entity Framework 4.0, Can't find connection name

I am trying to run a unit test with N-unit in a project. The project has the .edmx file in it, so it's not a multi-project problem that I see a lot of people. I kept all the defaults from what was auto generated by the Tool. My Web.config file appears to have the connection string in the <connectionStrings>: <connectionStrings> <add nam...