
Request TimeOut in iPhone XML/JSON request

Which is the best way to handle request-timeout. I am sending XML request and if I didn't get response in 10 sec I need to stop activity indicator and show alert message. Which approach is best out of following: a. NSTimer - To check status of response b. NSThread - This will run in background to check response c. Notification class...

Can I reuse the connection from DataContext in Linq to Sql?

DataContext has Connection property of type DbConnection and I was wondering if I could re-use it. I've tried to use it creating a command using CreateCommand and using a reader off of it but I've gotten errors saying there is a pending transaction or something similar. Basically I'm trying to find out if there is a best practice or gu...

Problems connecting to Oracle database from Java classes (ocijdbc11.dll)

I have some database import and export ant scripts that run little java programs to import and export data to and from oracle 11g. The scripts used to work on Vista 32 bit, but stopped working with Windows 7 64 bit. There are two versions of ocijdbc11.dll that I can use. When I use the 64bit version the error message is: java.lang.Unsa...

Connection to SQL

I want to add a connection to a sheet so that each time a cell is refreshed, a value is passed in from SQL. I want it to reference a textbox on one of the other sheets for where ID = How do I set the connection to refresh with that value. What do I put in my connection string? I can get it to work staticly. ...

Closing DataMapper DB connection

Hello, my rails application generates lots of small sqlite databases using DataMapper. After data saved, .sqlite-file must be uploaded on a remote server and destroyed locally. My question is how to make DataMapper close .sqlite db connection and free repo's memory? Application should generate many databases, so it's important to save ...

How can i connect Mysql by using Java?

Hey there, I am trying to connect Mysql using "mysql-connector-java-5.1.13". I have downloaded it and put it to the lib of a project that i am working on Netbeans. And i found a free host and create and Mysql database. And now i am trying the following code; import java.sql.*; public class MysqlConnect { public static ...

Web service beginner, using Android

Hello, I read the first tutorials today on SOAP webs ervices and I'd like to create my own service, e.g. a java class Person that should be my web service. I don't know what application do I need to store this web service for accesing it as a test, and neither how to access it from ANDROID. Please help me with this. All the best ...

Why is my causing a runtime error?

I am trying to connect to a database on my local server. The database is called "dbtest." Of course, I have left off my actual password and replaced it with "password." This is the typical code I see on every tutorial, but it doesn't work at all. Please help. <% Dim con, rs con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'I thin...

Why does this code cause an error?

I have been looking for hours on how to connect to my local SQL database. I can't believe its been this difficult. Anyway, i think I am more on the right track with this code. <% Dim myConnection as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Dim myCommand as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand myConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient...

In What conditions are closing a HTTP connection necessary?

In What conditions are closing a HTTP connection necessary? ...

How to force a connection to a a2dp bluetooth device by an activity or service

I'm using my Nexus One with Android 2.2 Froyo in my car dock. For the audio output I'm using a a2dp receiver which is hooked up to my car stereo. Now, when I put the phone in the car dock it automatically connects to the car dock but not to my a2dp receiver, I have connect it manually in the settings (already paired). I'm also using a c...

sql server express 2008 problems

We just recently switched from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010. I have an application which uses sql express database locally. The problem is after installing new Visual Studio, I can't access the Sql Server 2008 express. When I try to create a new database, or change the existing one, I get following message: A network-rela...

PHP Connect to Remote Registry

I have some code that can read a key from the local registry. $shell = new COM('WScript.Shell'); $data=$shell->regRead('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\SMC\ProductVersion'); How can I open another computer's registry with this assuming that I have full access to that computer? ...

How to decrease MySQL connection time

I have a JSP page. It used to work well but it becomes very slow (15 seconds to load) after the Systems team upgraded the Solaris 10 OS server. I checked all the queries in that page and every query works fine. In fact they are all very simple queries. And there are only about 300 entries in each related table. The only special thing,...

SSH Connection Java

Is it possible to make a ssh connection to a server with java? ...

Detecting connection to a domain

I'm trying to detect either by calling an API or using WMI whether a computer is connected to a domain. I am currently reading the env. variable USERDOMAIN to check whether I am connected to a domain or not but that only works for domains that I know. Is there a better way to see whether I am connected to a LAN/domain? The code is in ...

IBM JMS connection

Hi guys, I'm currently working in C# and I need to check the state of the JMS connection that i made (whether it's connected / disconnected). I'm sure that I can connect and disconnect succesfully..its just that i need to display the status of the connection in my UI. Is there any properties of the JMS connection that states connection ...

Tomcat Mysql connection hangs after about 30 minutes

Facts: 1 Tomcat installation , 1 MySql and 2 applications ( app1 and app2 ) Hosted on shared hosting, so most of admin stuff with mysql is not possible When tomcat is started the applications ( both app1 and app2 ) are working fine After about 30 minutes... I try to log in my app1 Sometimes it logs in and sometimes it just sits there a...

Problem connecting to ASP.NET Membership services database

I have been making some changes to an application that uses an ASP.NET Membership services database for authentication. I can access the database locally using windows authentication, and using my SA user. However, after moving the application to the prod. server, I can't access the DB at all. I wrote a simple test-app to test my conn...

committing multiple connections during a transaction

can i create multiple connections during one transaction and perform commit on them provided the connection are taken from data source in weblogic. ??? please help ...