
Is it possible to coax Visual Studio 2008 into using italics for comments?

I'm quite used to my IDE setup in Delphi 7, where I have my comments rendered in italics. This doesn't appear to be possible in VS2008. There's only an option for bold font, not italics. Is there some kind of registry hack or font magic I can perform to get it to work? The font I'm using is Consolas, if that makes a difference. Edit: ...

Detecting ClearType-optimized fonts

Question: Is there a way to check if a given font is one of Microsoft's ClearType-optimized fonts? I guess I could simply hard-code the list of font names, since it's a relatively short list, but that seems a bit ugly. Would the font names be the same regardless of Windows' locale and language settings? Background: PuTTY looks reall...