
Find if the element contains x but not y (jQuery)

<div> <p><a href="#">link</a> some text</p> <p><a href="#">link</a></p> <p><a href="#">link</a> some text</p> <p><a href="#">link</a></p> </div> I want to find (and addClass to) the <p> tags that DO NOT contain text, directly inside itself or its children. ...

Chained contain and paginate in Cakephp

Two Languages belongs to Lset, Lset HABTM Translator It is defined as follows: Translator: var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array( 'Lset' => array( 'className' => 'Lset', 'joinTable' => 'lsets_translators', 'foreignKey' => 'translator_id', 'associationForeignKey' => 'lset_id', ) ); L...

Jquery remove link with a certain label and the whole text after this link

For example: <a href="/" title="Go to homepage">Homepage</a> text after link; <a href="/" title="About">About</a> text after link; <a href="/" title="Contact Us">Contact Us</a> text after link; No problem: I can remove the link with: $("a:contains('Homepage')").remove(); My question: How to remove the text after the link previously...