
Testing if a list contains another list with Python

How can I test if a list contains another list. Say there was a function called contains: contains([1,2], [-1, 0, 1, 2]) # Returns [2, 3] (conatins returns [start, end]) contains([1,3], [-1, 0, 1, 2]) # Returns False contains([1, 2], [[1, 2], 3) # Returns False contains([[1, 2]], [[1, 2], 3]) # Returns [0, 0] Edit: contains([2, 1], [...

Using TreeSet contains() in Java with Integers

import*; import java.util.*; class StepfordHouses { private ArrayList<Integer> houses; // A list containing houses private TreeSet<Integer> ordered; // An ordered treeset of houses private TreeSet<Integer> processed; // Elements already processed private String inpline[]; // An array of String holing houses hei...

check whether array contains false?

How to check the array true_or_false containing a value of false? bool[] true_or_false = new bool[10]; for (int i = 0; i < txtbox_and_message.Length; i++) { bool bStatus = true; if (txtbox_and_message[i] == "") { bStatus = false; } true_or_false[i] = bStatus; } ...

Jquery: Get the width of the H2 that contains the most characters/is longest

I'm trying to select the H2 that contains the most characters, or is the widest in width, whichever one is simpler, or if you know how to do it could you put both? I'm not sure of the syntax. ...

jquery :contains selector to check two lists

I have two lists with images, Album and Favorites. When clicking on a thumbnail in the Album I want to check if that image is already in the Favorites list. I tried using :contains but returns false everytime. example here: Is :contains the right option or should I go with real arrays? The image li...

How i use Contains for string in Linq to Sql to match only the beginning of a word

I can use linq to sql to match a part of a string with From C In DB.City Where C.Name.Contains(Query) What i need to do for it to match only beginning of words? (Behave like full text index) ...

using jquery contains inside a function?

Hi all, I'm trying to use the jquery :contains (or .contains()) selector inside a function, however I can't seem to get it to work. Basically I'm passing a string to a function and I want to check the variable if it contains X, do something else do something else. If that makes sense. Here's my code. function checkMe(myVar) { if ($...

How to use LINQ Contains() to find a list of enums?

I have an enum called OrderStatus, and it contains various statuses that an Order can be in: Created Pending Waiting Valid Active Processed Completed What I want to do is create a LINQ statement that will tell me if the OrderStaus is Valid, Active, Processed or Completed. Right now I have something like: var status in Order.Status...

Why is List<T>.IndexOf() a lot faster than List<T>.Contains()?

Hello, I have List which has 150K elements. Average time of work IndexOf() is 4 times lower than Contains(). I tried to use List of int. For List of strings IndexOf is a bit faster. I found only one main difference, it's attribute TargetedPatchingOptOut. MSDN tells: Indicates that the .NET Framework class library method to which th...

Freemarker 'Collection.contains' functionality

From my java code I'm returning a Set<String>. The view needs to check if the Set contains a specific string.. I can't find any docs on how Freemarker can handle this. Any idea? ...