
Multiple Groupings within a Content Query Web Part

Does anyone know of a way to do multiple groupings on a content query web part. I have been able to customeize everything else, but the sub groupings issue has me. What I need to do is, first group the list by column1, then within that grouping group on column2. Any help would be great. Thanks ...

What technology to use to add dynamic external content to web application

I am searching for a pointer to the right direction for the following requirement. We have a web application running on Tomcat, that contains ad-hoc reports based on BIRT. The main application has a few tabs containing various reports. Each tab contains a form based on JSF to gather user parameters and passes this to a BIRT web service ...

US Government APIs?

I'm working on an app to provide an easy way for people to track the status of a bill [and various other political information]. I love the idea of OpenCongress, for instance, which surfaces summary information on legislation as it navigates the political process, but I'd like it if it had a tag-based search system and some other rich s...

UITableView didSelectRow line content superposition

Hi, I have a very strange problem with my UITableViews. When the tableView contains more than ten rows and when I select a row, another row's content of the table view is displayed above the row I selected. It is the same for every tableView. Did someone experiment this issue ? Thanks for any idea. ...

jQuery: load refuses to get dynamic content in IE6

jQuery refuses to load my dynamic content in IE6. All in FireFox & Safari works fine. Only IE6 is being a pain. When I try the a html with <p>Hello World</p> that works. Properly. But when loading a PHP it doesn't work! As you can see it's doing multiple things. <script type="text/javascript"> // When the document is rea...

[ ExtGWT / GWT ] Horizontal align problem

hi, i want to place a some buttons in the center of a panel, but doesn't work. Here my code: import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.HorizontalPanel; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Label; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.LayoutContainer; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.VerticalPanel; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widge...

Read data from ATOM file with jquery.

Hi, i'm trying to read a xml/atom file, the code is: $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: options.url, data:, dataType: 'xml', async:options.async, success: function(xml) { var feed = new JFeed(xml); if(jQuery.isFunction(options.success)) options.success(feed); ...

How can I get php source code to display neatly on my website?

Hi, is there some Javascript/CSS snippet or perhaps another solution to parse PHP source code intended as content on a web page so that it has highlighted elements for commands, variables, brackets etc? ...

PHP: Where should I store the text for info & warning messages

Hello, I have a question concerning the design of my project's Code. In most cases, it is important to separate content from code (HTML mixed with PHP in bigger apps=No good idea, etc.) but how should I handle things like the text of error messages? Assuming this one message will be only used in one case/PHP file: MessageBox( 'Somethi...

How can I calculate the position of a DOM element from Google Chrome content scripts.

Hi, I am writing a chrome extension and from the content script I want to calculate the absolute position of a DOM element. But from within content script, if i try to access offsetHeight, offsetWidth, offsetTop, offsetParent, etc, I get null. I guess content scripts don't have access to those DOM properties. Is there a way/workaround, ...

Make a html page with content() and jquery

Is there a way to make an html page from the contents() object?? for example iterate over $('body').contents() object and make a output like this: <body> <div>text<a href=#></a></div> <p>%^$$</p> .... </body> thanks!!! and sorry for the english! ...

PHP Content Separation

So we all know that you should always, not only in PHP, separate code from content/design/html. (I have seen people that say the opposite here today) I mean, you don't want one of these in bigger projects, do you? <?php echo '<div id="blah"><b>' . $username . '</b>' . $stuff . '<more HTML mixed with PHP...>'; ?> But: What...

Scale WebView in Cocoa

How can I scale the content of a WebView? ...

how can I deliver remote content via web service?

We have multiple websites under different domains that need to receive our banner ads. We have a server app, in PHP, that returns the HTML for a randomly-generated banner ad. Out of concern for the client side, I don't want to use an iframe nor do I want to include the jquery library because of the weight - I also do not want to duplica...

build CMS in sharepoint

Hello all i am an (C#) developer and have been devloping cms for quite a while now now i need to develop cms in sharepoint...can u plz suggest me steps , methods or tutorials or step by step procedure (free links) for developing cms in sharepoint Plz help ...

Only show a view on a certain content type in Drupal

Hi, i have build an "About the Author" views block in Drupal. This is linked at the user_id of the creater of the current node, which works great. However, i now would like to know how to limit the view to certain content types. I do not want it to show on a story, only on blogs. I tried to do it with Arguments but i haven't had any lu...

Give a user rights to a specific node in Drupal

I'd like the user "student" to be assigned to a content type "Projectgroup". I can do this by adding a user reference to the Projectgroup content type form. Example: Projectgroup = Beta testers Students (user referenced) = Kim, Joel, John. When Kim logs in, she should only be able to post as "Beta testers". How can i make sure when ...

VB.NET: Clear DataGridView

I've tried - DataGridView1.DataSource=Nothing and DataGridView1.DataSource=Nothing DataGridView1.Refresh() and DataGridView1.RefreshEdit() None of them works.. I've written a method that sets the DataSource of the DataGridView when executed. but each time i execute it, it replicates the data with new value and appends it to the...

What content have you made/seen made using procedural techniques

Hey S.O. guys, I was looking at some study i have to do in the future to do with procedural generation techniques and i was wondering what type of content you have: Developed Helped Develop Seen implemented Tried to develop and what methods/techniques/procedures you used to develop it. If you feel generous maybe you can even go into spec...

When does an event of a master page fire? What is the order of firing events between Master page and Content page in

hi When does an event of a master page fire? What is the order of firing events between Master page and Content page in ...