
UpdateCommand problem in a TemplateField in GridView

I have the following grid: <asp:GridView DataSourceID="accountsDataSource" DataKeyNames="Id" ShowEditButton="true" ...> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Name"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Hyperlink ID="lnkGridEditEntry" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Name")%>' NavigateUrl="..." /> </ItemTemplate> <EditItemTemplate> <asp...

Using a ControlParameter in FilterParameters when the property is null

I have a DataList and FormView; they have separate datasources, though they pull the same info. The FormView's datasource has a FilterExpression to pull whatever's been selected on the DataList. On first load, the SelectedValue of the DataList is null (naturally). I expect the FilterExpression to result in zero rows, but it doesn't. ...

Error trying to filter drop down list with a Gridview field value via a controlparameter

Hi all, I'm getting the dreaded 'DropDownList1' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Parameter name: value error when trying to filter a drop down list in a templatefield using one of the other boundfield values (I'm trying to get a list of employees based on their department - i.e. the us...