
Best Algorithm to find the edges (polygon) of vertices

I have a large array of vertices, some of them are edges, some are redundant (inside the shape) and I want to remove those. The simplest algorithm I could think of is checking one by one if they hit the shape formed by the others. But it should be a very slow algorithm. I thought about picking one from the edge (the one farthest from o...

Test case data for convex-hull.

I need to make a 2D convex hull function for a class assignment and I want a more robust test cases than the assignment provides. Does anyone known of a largish test cases (25 < n < 100) with the solution? ...

How to find the minimum radius circle that encloses all the given points?

Suppose I have some 1000 odd points on a plane. Then, what I think could be done is to discard the points that do not affect the radius of the circle in any way - the points through which the convex hull does not pass [using one of the several algorithms]. This leaves us with points that do matter. Now from here on, what can be done to...

How to sort points in a Google maps polygon so that lines do not cross?

I am trying to make a map where a user can outline any shape they would like. But I am running into an issue where users can select points that will make the lines of the polygon cross and exclude area's that I would like to include. To see what i'm talking about go to this page and take the following steps: click 4 points to make ...

Converting convex hull to binary mask

I want to generate a binary mask that has ones for all voxels inside and zeros for all voxels outside a volume. The volume is defined by the convex hull around a set of 3D coordinates (<100; some of the coordinates are inside the volume). I can get the convex hull using CONVHULLN, but how do I convert that into a binary mask? In case t...

Is there a linear-time algorithm for finding the convex hull of a complex polygon?

I know there's a worst-case O(n log n) algorithm for finding the convex hull of a complex polygon and a worst-case O(n) algorithm for finding the convex hull of a simple polygon. Is there a worst-case O(n) algorithm for finding the convex hull of a complex polygon? A complex polygon is a polygon where the line segments may intersect. ...

Code Example For Merge Hull

Anyone have a recursive code example for the Merge Hull algorithm? Im struggling to understand how to implement it. ...