
When should copy-local be set to true and when should it not?

I am wondering if there are any heuristics for when to set copy-local=true for references? If referenced types are only used internally can I set copy-local to true but if referenced types are exposed as parameters or return values I set copy-local to false and indicate that a specific version of the dependency should be referenced when...

Xap file contents changes if built in Visual Studio or build server

I'm using MEF with my Silverlight 4 app to dynamically load xap files. To optimize this process, I've removed various assemblies from my xaps since I know they've already been loaded by the base xap. This reduces the size of my dynamically loaded xaps. I accomplished this by setting the "Copy Local" flag for each assembly reference to "f...

Set "Copy Local" to False by default?

Can I set the default-option of "Copy Local" in Visual Studio to False? In most times, when I add a dll as dependency of a project, I want the Copy Local property set to False. Per default, it is True. Is there a way to change the default behaviour of Visual Studio? (2008) ...

Copy local and system dlls' - what is the point?

Visual studio by default copies all dlls' to each project's bin folder. This also includes system dlls' (with the exception of mscorlib.dll and System.dll), such as System.Xml.Linq, System.ComponentModel.Composition (included since SL4) etc. Since these files are included in each XAP, XAP sizes grow considerably. In my limited testing, ...