
move x pos in scatter chat using core-lpot for iphone?

Hi, I am trying to draw scatter chat using core-plot for iphone. it works fine expect, it start with x position 0, how should move from one or two postion after. Please help i was stucked long time. Sri ...

CorePlot iPhone error : CorePlot-CocoaTouch.h: no such file or directory

Hi everyone. I'm trying to walk someone through adding CorePlot to their iPhone app. I have it working on my computer, but he keeps getting the CorePlot-CocoaTouch.h: no such file or directory error. I get the same error if I mess up the "header search paths" in the build settings. Otherwise, I can build it just fine. The only d...

Problem compiling project with CorePlot

Today I tried to compile a project with CorePlot. All the time I get the following errors: ".objc_class_name_NSNotificationCenter", referenced from: literal-pointer@__OBJC@__cls_refs@NSNotificationCenter in libCorePlot.a(CPGraph.o) literal-pointer@__OBJC@__cls_refs@NSNotificationCenter in libCorePlot.a(CPXYPlotSpace.o) ".objc_clas...

constricting scrolling in core-plot

Hi, I would like to have my user scroll inside a CPXYGraph. I have a CPXYGraph as part of a CPHostingLayer, like in the tutorials. I enabled allowsUserInteraction, which is cool and allows scrolling. But I don't want to allow my user to scroll to 'infinity', which it seems like it allows-you can keep dragging further and further away fro...

Core-plot label not display on top of each bar column

Hi everyone, I am new with Core-plot. I would like to add label about the number on each of bar column on CPBarPlot. I knew that I must implement this method of CPBarPlotDataSource delegate: -(CPTextLayer *)barLabelForBarPlot:(CPBarPlot *)barPlot recordIndex: (NSUInteger)index; But even I implemented that method, nothing happe...

How to scale on x-axis with Core Plot

Hi everyone, I have a barchart display the smoking counter, day by day. Each column represents one day. I would like to view the data on week, month, year, on the same graph by drag on the X-Axis. If I drag the x-axis to the right, the value on the x-axis come from month to day (smaller value scale). If I drag the x-axis to the left, th...

How to apply curl transition to bar chart when user swipes a finger

This is my first app on the ipad and the first time using core plot. I would be grateful for any help. I have two separate hosted views (1 for a scatter plot and 1 for a bar chart) that are loaded in viewDidLoad: My problem is that I would like the existing bar chart to curl up to reveal another bar chart plot (in the same hosted laye...

How to build full Core-Plot with iphone project?

Hello everyone, Currently I completed my project using with CorePlot. But I have problem, when I copy my project to another folder, prepare to build before distribution, I have one problem: CorePlot-CocoaTouch.h: No such file or directory I did my project import Core-Plot like the way with this link:

HI i am using core plot i am getting an error

HI i am using core plot i am getting an "'*** -[UIView setHostedLayer:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xf283a0'" error in the line hostingView.hostedLayer = graph; ...

How to use decimal number in core-plot?

Hi, I am trying to give float point into core-plot y axis value, it is not working. So is i need to give it as whole number instead of decimal number.If decimal number works please give me the sample code. sri ...

Plotspace delegate is not working Core-plot?

Hi, I have created four charts such as 2 bar charts, and 2 scatter chatter all the charts are added as addSubView into single UIScrollView. I added order is first 2 bar lot then 2 scatter chart. Also assigned plotspace delegate = self. When i touch first 2 bar charts it is working fine rest of 2 chart touch event is not working. Then i ...

how to set absolute positions of axis in core plot

Hi, I'm working with core plot on iPhone now, and I'm trying to set up the ScatterPlot graph in such a way that [0,0] coordinates are always at the same place (that is 40 pixels from the left and 40 pixels from the bottom) I just wasted 4 hours trying to get this to work, and still have no idea, help! Bonus question - how to set up axi...

how to set new plot data for bar chart using core-plot?

I am new to objective-c and xcode. It would be very thankful if someone can point how to set new plot data for bar chart using core-plot. I need to set data like : y-axis and x-axis : as (10,1), (5,2), (20,3), (15,4) and the output should come as : --------------------- 30 25 20 # 15 # # 10 # # # 5 # # # # 1 2 3 ...

Core Animation:Failed to allocate bytes. using core-plot on iPad

Hi guys, im new to iphone developing so please teach me on stuff that i may miss out. so basically i have graphview.m which creates a coreplotviewcontroller.view in this way CorePlotViewController *aCorePlotViewController = [[CorePlotViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"CorePlotViewController" bundle:nil]; aCorePlotViewControlle...

core-plot - refresh graph dynamically + iPad

Hi guys. i have a have graphview.m which creates a coreplotviewcontroller.view in this way CorePlotViewController *aCorePlotViewController = [[CorePlotViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"CorePlotViewController" bundle:nil]; aCorePlotViewController.view.bounds = CGRectMake(0,0,896,605); aCorePlotViewController.view.cen...

CPBarPlot with different color bars

Hello, guys. There is a way to have different color bars in a CPBarPlot in just one plot space? Thanks in advance. ...

Core-Plot PieChart Slice color

I am using core plot in one of my iPhone projects. Is it possible to change the color for a selected slice in a pie chart (using CPPieChartDataSource, CPPieChartDelegate)? ...

Why can't I control Core-Plot date-axis ticks?

I have a Core-Plot scatter plot that seems to be working great. The x axis shows date/time, the y axis a value from 0-500. I set up the x axis as follows: plotSpace.xRange = [CPPlotRange plotRangeWithLocation: CPDecimalFromFloat(maxTime - 2*60*60*24) length:CPDecimalFromFloat(2.5*6...

How do you enable touch interaction in Core Plot?

Has anyone tried to add touch interaction to CorePlot? I'm trying to implement custom layer to be able to draw a line on the chart which will show specific value and will draw itself in specified location when user touches chart area, but I'm not having any luck. ...

Resizing Nested NSViews

In order to categorize a wide variety of unique views, I have an elaborate setup: main categories are selected via a toolbar, and then specific panes are selected in a category's NSScrollView. This looks like: window -> NSViewController controlling five views -> sub-NSViewController for each view controlling X views -> each view contains...