
How to move a symlink to the trash?

I don't see any options for the FSPathMoveObjectToTrashSync() function for not following links. Here is what I have tried Create a link and a file [ 21:32:41 /tmp ] $ touch my_file [ 21:32:45 /tmp ] $ ln -s my_file my_link [ 21:32:52 /tmp ] $ la total 8 drwxrwxrwt 12 root wheel 408 17 Maj 21:32 . drwxr-xr-x@ 6 root wheel...

Given a UTI (Uniform Type Identifier), find all types to which it conforms.

I am writing an application that makes use of Uniform Type Identifiers. Specifically, I am calling UTTypeCreateAllIdentifiersForTag() and passing it various MIME types. My hope was that this function (as distinct from UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag()) would give me the most specific UTI as well as all the UTIs to which it conform...