Apologies if any of what I'm about to say makes no sense or overlooks something obvious - my knowledge of CLR internals is spotty.
If I understand correctly, then if I just build a solution for 'AnyCPU' in VS2K5 (or point MSBuild at that .sln file with those settings) then the binaries only compile as far as MSIL. They then get JITted t...
If I set the platform flags of MyApp.exe to be x64
I still can run the corflags utilty like this:
corflags /32bit+ MyApp.exe
corflags will happily set the 32bit flag to 1.
Of course when I'll try to run the application I'll get an error:
My question is: Is there a way that an assembly which...
When compiling, I always set it for Any CPU. However there are some customers that do not have a 64 bit version of a required binary, even when running on an x64 system. In these instances I have asked them to modify my binary with the corflags.exe /32BIT+ option:
I would lik...
Im trying to use Corflags to get PartCover running under x64. When I use:
CorFlags.exe PartCover.exe /32BIT+ /Force
i get:
corflags : warning CF011 : The specified file is strong name signed. Using /Force will invalidate the signature of this image and will require the assembly tobe resigned.
without /force i get:
corflags : error C...
I need to write a CorFlags-like application.
If I have a path to assembly file, how to I read its CorFlags?
I specifically need to know if the assembly is Any-CPU or x86 only
I want to avoid loading the assembly using reflection because I need to scan many files.
I created a dummy windows service using .net 3.5. The service has been compiled for x86 explicitly (32BIT corflag is set).
Process Explorer from SysInternals correctly identifies the process as a 32-bit process. However, task manager does not append the "*32" to the process name.
Why is that?
I am using an InvokeProcess activity in TFS 2010 to try and run the corflags application on a built exe.
C:\Builds\4\testing\Sources\BuildAssets\corflags.exe C:\Builds\4\testing\Binaries\Executable.exe /32bit+
However I am getting the following message:
corflags : error CF001 : Could not open file for writing
I am running the TF...
Hi all,
I've found a fair bit of information related to how a .NET assembly should load based on the flags set in the assembly header.
Pages such as http://blogs.msdn.com/b/joshwil/archive/2005/05/06/415191.aspx
seem to suggest that if you have a header as follows
PE : PE32
32BIT : 0
It has been compiled as "AnyCPU" an...