
What exactly are administrative redexes after CPS conversion?

In the context of Scheme and CPS conversion, I'm having a little trouble deciding what administrative redexes (lambdas) exactly are: all the lambda expressions that are introduced by the CPS conversion only the lambda expressions that are introduced by the CPS conversion but you wouldn't have written if you did the conversion "by hand"...

nested CPS "reset"

Hi, using the CPS compiler-plugin of Scala 2.8, there are the two magic controls reset and shift. Reset delimits the continuation and shift captures the continuation. There is an example of using CPS with NIO, using nested resets as a type of "forking"...? I don't exactly understand the purpose of nesting the resets, what's the effect? ...

Is MapReduce one form of Continuation-Passing Style (CPS)?

As the title says. I was reading Yet Another Language Geek: Continuation-Passing Style and I was sort of wondering if MapReduce can be categorized as one form of Continuation-Passing Style aka CPS. I am also wondering how can CPS utilise more than one computer to perform complex computation. Maybe CPS makes it easier to work with Actor...

Implementing dynamic scope when using CPS as intermediate language

I am currently studying the implementation of programming languages and became interested in using Continuation-Passing Style as the intermediate language of the compiler. I also want to implement limited dynamic scope (for exception-handling or Scheme parameter objects) but I cannot find the relevant literature. I think it can be done w...

Ocaml continuation passing style

I'm new to ocaml and tryin to write a continuation passing style function but quite confused what value i need to pass into additional argument on k for example, I can write a recursive function that returns true if all elements of the list is even, otherwise false. so its like let rec even list = .... on CPS, i know i need to ad...