
Detecting CPU capability without assembly

I've been looking at ways to determine the CPU, and its capabilities (eg SEE,SSE2,etc). However all the ways I've found involved assembly code using the cpuid instruction. Given the differing ways of doing assembly in c/c++ between compilers and even targets (no inline assembly for 64bit targets under VC), id rather avoid that. Is ther...

How can i get cpuid in java ???

Hello guys I want create an encryption with java ; How can i get CPU Id or anythings is unique in pc such as bios or ... for example System.getCpuId(); :) it's just example ;) Thanks a lot ... ...

C++ word to bytes

Hi, I tried to read CPUID using assembler in C++. I know there is function for it in , but I want the asm way. So, after CPUID is executed, it should fill eax,ebx,ecx registers with ASCII coded string. But my problem is, since I can in asm adress only full, or half eax register, how to break that 32 bits into 4 bytes. I used this: #inc...

x86/x64 CPUID in C#

Related to my other question, please help me debug "An unhandled exception of type 'System.AccessViolationException' occurred in Unknown Module. Additional information: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt." Stepping through the code, everything works up until the actual ...