
NDepend CQL Count Query

I want to query a table of public methods of a specific class and a count of each methods usage in NDepend CQL. Currently query looks like this: SELECT METHODS FROM TYPES "AE.DataAccess.DBHelper" WHERE IsPublic Is it possible to aggregate queries in CQL? ...

Finding all methods that handle form events using NDepend

Hi all, I was wondering if someone would be able to help me write a CQL query for NDepend that will show me all the methods in my form class that handle the form events. So I would like to be able to find all the methods that look like this: Private Sub AddFolderButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) ...

NDepend CQL Query for missing IDisposable implementation

I realize that the query this question is looking for won't be enough to find every little problem with IDisposable implementations, but every early warning counts, so I'll take what I can get. I'd like to know if anyone has come up with a CQL query for NDepend that will list all classes that doesn't implement IDisposable, but has one o...

Driving NDepend with NUnit

Is it possible to use NUnit to run CQL queries using NDepend? It would be nice to be able to just include the NDepend dlls in a UnitTests library and write tests like: [Test] public void DomainAssemblyHasNoDatabaseDependencies ... or something similar. This would make it very easy to integrate with Team City, and automatically fail ...

Most helpful NDepend CQL queries

A client I work for has begun using NDepend as a replacement for FXCop, and the "architect" has compiled a list of practically unusable CQL queries, which I gather he has taken from advice from the NDepend website. An example of what "I think" is an unhelpful query WARN IF Count > 0 IN SELECT METHODS WHERE PercentageComment < 20 AND ...

How to get the maintainability index?

Hello, I need help... How can I create the maintainability index with cql? Does the NDepend calculate this number? Thanks! Alejandra ...

How to write a cql query for LOC server ?

How to write a cql query for LOC server ? I am trying to retrieve data from loc server using z39.50 and YAZ dll. Following is the code query = "Author=" + txtAuthor.Text.Trim() + " and Title=" + txtTitle.Text.Trim() + " and Publisher=" + txtPublisher.Text.Trim(); but i am getting error that the syntax of query is wrong although the tex...

NDepend Code Quality Metrics - Custom CQL - Brownfield development

I'm working on a brown-field project that was initially developed for .NET 1.1, and subsequently was retro-fitted to .NET 2.0, with a smattering of .NET 3.5 I'm curious what kind of metrics to use to begin finding optimization and modernization inflection points. Are there any good CQL queries that anyone has found useful in cleaning u...

How to restrict NDepend methods query on type attribute

I'm trying to get NDepend to identify long methods using a modified version of the standard "Methods too big" query. I don't want to report long methods that the developers have little control over, so I filter out generated code using the DebuggerNonUserCode attribute and InitializeComponent(). Unfortunately, I still get a few false...

Ndepend CQL to query types out of assembly wildcard

In order to determine what low-level framework types a web application is directly using, one has to define each and every assembly involved. SELECT TYPES FROM ASSEMBLIES "Company.System.Framework", "Company.System.Framework.ReferenceLookup", "Company.System.Framework.Web", "Company.System.Framework.Security", "Company.System.Framework....

Ndepend CQL to find methods of certain types using particular framework assembly

In order to check if types not derived from certain base classes are using a low-level framework assembly, the following query can be used. SELECT TYPES WHERE IsDirectlyUsing "ASSEMBLY:Framework.Data" AND !(DeriveFrom "App.BaseTypes.BusinessFacadeBase" OR DeriveFrom "App.BaseTypes.BusinessComponentBase" OR DeriveFrom "App.BaseTypes.Data...

NDepend query methods/types in framework assembly being used by other assemblies/types

I am trying to determine which types or methods in a base framework assembly are being used by other assemblies in the application system. I cannot seem to find a straight-cut query to do that. What i have to do is first determine which assemblies are directly using the framework assembly, then manually list them in a second query SELE...

How can I find which property getters have side effects using NDepend?

A familiar problem using VisualStudio is the mysterious calling of property getters. If these have side effects (the most common being of the form if (foo == null) foo = new foo(); return foo; ), then the fact that the debugger Locals and Watch windows call the properties - without even hitting any break points - can lead to unexpected e...

Finding Types that implement specific Methods using CQL

I'm refining the built in dead code query in NDEpend and I'm finding a lot of false positives from standalone programs (i.e. w/ Main() entrypoints). I noticed that the built in unused types query has this clause: !NameIs "Program" AND // Generally, types named Program // contain a Main() entry-point ...

Exposing CQL Result in NDepend

Hi All, I have some custom CQLs in NDepend Project and I want generate the results of these CQLs using NDepend.Console.exe. When I generate the report, I don't see any result of my custom CQLs in the report. I can export from Visual NDepend but I want to use NDepend.Console.exe from script. Ant. ...