
How to query by partitionkey in Azure Table Storage?

I have the following TableServiceContext class for books, I want to query the table Books by the partitionKey, please ignore the fact that I'm using the partition key as the book name, this is just for my learning sakes public class BookDataServiceContext: TableServiceContext { public BookDataServiceContext(str...

NHibernate CreateCriteria and CreateQuery generates different sql ?

I'm new to NHibernate and can't figure out why these two statements generates different sql. the first one only get the ClientInformation (with Information and Client being Proxies) which is what i want. return repository .CreateQuery("from ClientInformation ci where ci.Information.IsMandatory = true and ci.Client.Id = :cl...

Hql statement not returning distinct values when specified.

Hello experts! As the title states I have some issues with my hql statement. I have two entities: SecondEntity: public class SecondEntity implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "firstEntityId") private FirstEntity firstEntity; @NotNull(message = "the b...