
C# custom MembershipUser.createUser() method, call it from createuserwizard control

Hi all, I have created custom MembershipUser, MembershipProvider and RolePrivoder classes. These all work and I am very happy with it, apart from one thing. I have an extra field in the "Users" table. I have an overridden method for CreateUser() that takes in the extra variable and puts it into the DB. My issues is that I want to ...

C# createuser wizard OnDeactivate not firing

Hi all, I am rather confused I have got a createuser wizard control that I use with my custom user classes and role classes. I have a step so that the admin user can create new users and assign them their roles. The OnActivate method is firing but the OnDeactivate is not. I have put break points on both methods and confirmed that it ...

when is user authenticated when using CreateUserWizard

I am using the CreateUserWizard and I have LoginCreatedUser=true. I also have the "OnCreatedUser" property for the CreateUserWizard control to a method and thought the auth ticket would be created at that point but it is not. When exactly is the authentication ticket (Request.Cookies[".ASPXAUTH"]) populated? I need to know so t...

ASP.NET Configuration Wizard to login with remote sql server

I have been learning ASP.NET by experimenting, watching videos on ASP.NET, and reading forums. I haven't found a quick solution to this though. Whenever I add the "login" or "createuserwizard" from the toolbox it always adds the new users to a database known as "ASPNETDB.MDF" even if I specify the remote database using a new SqlDataSou...

Postback with CreateUserWizard

I have an RadUpload control in a CreateUserWizard. from a brief search on the internet,uploading requires postback while CreateUserWizard does not postback. Any idea how I can get the wizard to postback. or any other mechanism to upload a file during user registration. ...

Clear fields on CreateUserWizard, Login control

I have a createuserwizard and a login control on a page. both of them are customized (standard textboxes are replaced by RadTextBoxes) When i enter a value in the form and refresh the browser without submitting, the forms retain their values. Is there any way i can clear these fields on refresh. I have tried settinf EnableViewState fa...

How do I make the Next button on the CreateUserWizard visible?

I am trying to use this control for the first time and can't figure out how to make the Next button visible on the first screen. I also DON'T want the control to write to the database until the very end, after the user is presented with a confirmation screen. I want to put the values into a class until then. ...

Is there a way to change the CreatedUserWizard CreateUser button?

I don't want to create an account on the first screen of the CreatedUserWizard. I want to put the data in the class and only write it to the table at the end. But, when I click this button, it always writes to the table. ...

A problem with the create user control

Hi, I've customised the login control and it seems to create new accounts fine, but if I duplicate the user id thats already registered or enter an email thats already used, the error messages arn't displaying. Its driving me crazy. The page just refreshes without showing an error. I've included the as instructed on the MSDN s... arbitrary user info

If I am using's built-in membership provider, then how can I store arbitrary user-info while using CreateUserWizard control? Suppose I have three types of users in my application: Student, Teacher and Staff. I want to store a flag for every user to distinguish their types while creating a user through CreateUserWizard - control....

User can't login after creating them with the Create User Wizard

When I create a user, they can't login until I go into the configuration and save them. I actually don't change any settings, I just press the save button and then they can login in. What I would like to do is to have the user be able to login once they are created, but I can't seem to get it to work. Here is my code for the C...

SendingMail is not being called when user is created from the CreateUserWizard Control in

I have the OnSendingMail event declared in the CreateUserWizard markup. I have the code in the code-behind file as well as the mail settings in the web.config, yet if I put a break point on the SendingMail method, it doesn't even hit the break point and I can't figure out why it is not happening. Here is my SendingMail method: protect...

Is it possible to show a link in a C# program to the admin only?

Hi (I'm pretty new to this), I have a login control in my C# program and once the user logs in, they are able to see links to other programs (a portal). Is it possible to hide the 'create new user' link to everyone except the admin once the user has logged in? Is this something I'd change in the web.config as I only want admins to be ab...

Adding roles to the 'CreateUserWizard'

Hi (I'm pretty new to this), Is it possible to add roles to the 'CreateUserWizard' tool so that you tick boxes (or view roles in a drop down menu) and once one or more have been chosen, this information is added to the configuration automatically? I have the following code: <asp:CreateUserWizard ID="CreateUserWizard1" runat="s...

How to set error messages from codebehind (CreateUserWizard control, using TemplateLayout)?

Users are created with a standard SQLMemberShipProvider. I've tried catching MembershipCreationStatus as well as exceptions, and when I debug the code I do get to the method that sets the messages. I set them using the properties on the CreateUserWizardControl, but when the page is rendered the default values are displayed; not the (cus...

customvalidator can't find controltovalidate

iam having a problem finding a textbox inside createuserwizard which is inside a contentplaceholder i have a custom validator for this textbox when i put this customvalidator outside createuser wizard it says "cannot find controltovalidate control id CaptchaValue " heres is a row inside my createuserwizard <CreateUserWizard........

customvalidator can't find controltovalidate

iam having a problem finding a textbox inside createuserwizard which is inside a contentplaceholder i have a custom validator for this textbox when i put this customvalidator outside createuser wizard it says "cannot find controltovalidate control id CaptchaValue " heres is a row inside my createuserwizard <CreateUserWizard.......

Visual Web Developer - ASP.NET Web Application Administration PROBLEM.

Hi All, Was wondering if somebody could please help me solve this. I've follwed all steps correctly, but when I go to create a new user, it keeps saying "Password length minimum: 7. Non-alphanumeric characters required: 1." I have tried about 20 different combinations of passwords and it just keeps saying the exact same thing and won'...

Show CreateUserWizard's error message label

Hi, I've got a CreateUserWizard control and am performing server-side validation. Is there a way to force the CUW's error message to display from the code-behind? At the moment, if the user enters a duplicate name, the controls DuplicateUserNameErrorMessage property is displayed. However, if the user has turned javascript off, or sen...

Prevent closing of ModalPopup on postback

Hi, I'm using the ModalPopupExtender control from the AJAX toolkit. This control extends a panel which contains a CreateUserWizard control. However, the validation of the CreateUserWizard control causes a postback to the server, which closes the popup. I'd like the popup to remain open, even after the postback. From what I can gather, ...