
Can I use inline views with the criteria API?

Does NHibernate support inline views using criterias? Google doesn't seem to return any relevant results. Here is the query I need to convert preferably using criterias. SELECT COUNT (incident_count) AS incident_count, SUM (total_customers) AS total_customers, MAX (longest_etr) AS longest_etr, COUNT (DISTINCT crew_c...

Get saved (non commited) entities with a criteria from session cache in NHibernate

Hello everyone, I'm trying to break the question down to something simple. I use nhibernate to get a list of entities via a criteria call. After that I'll update some entites and add one entity which I save (session.SaveOrUpdate(entity)). When I get a list with a criteria again I do get the entities that were changed (with changed valu...

NHibernate eager loading one-to-many

Hi In the mapping-file I've defined a bag for Positionen. <class name="Animag.DomainModels.Models.Abrechnung, Animag.DomainModels" table="Abrechnungen" lazy="true"> <id name="ID" column="ID"> <generator class="native"/> </id> <version name="Version" column="Version"/> <many-to-one name="Kunde" column="KundeID" c...

NHibernate eager loading one-to-many

Hi In the mapping-file I've defined a bag for Positionen. <class name="Animag.DomainModels.Models.Abrechnung, Animag.DomainModels" table="Abrechnungen" lazy="true"> <id name="ID" column="ID"> <generator class="native"/> </id> <version name="Version" column="Version"/> <many-to-one name="Kunde" column="KundeID" c...

How to use the CURRENT_DATE function in a hibernate criterion?

I want to translate the following HQL into Criteria notation: from Deal where CURRENT_DATE between startDate and endDate I tried using Restrictions.between but it doesn't recognize current_date Criteria c = session().createCriteria(Deal.class) .add(Restrictions.between("CURRENT_DATE", "startDate", "endDate"); ...

Propel: what is the equivalent of OR in SQL?

Hi, what is the method to create OR? I mean: I know to craate this SQL clause: SELECT * FROM author WHERE author.FIRST_NAME = 'Karl' AND author.LAST_NAME <> 'Marx'; I should do this: <?php $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(AuthorPeer::FIRST_NAME, "Karl"); $c->add(AuthorPeer::LAST_NAME, "Marx", Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); $authors = AuthorPeer...

How to log in HibernateCriteriaBuilder

I try log some details in a namedQuery for a grails domain class but logging errors. static namedQueries = { firstThree { if (booleanValue) { log.trace "booleanValue = true" eq ('bar', foo) } maxResults(3) } } Error No such property: log for class: grails.orm.HibernateCriteriaBuilder How do I log in a ...

Propel: newbie problems with a criteria. Trying to debug.

Hi, I have this criteria propel. public static function getPrenotazioniAttive($id_utente) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(self::USER_ID, 18793 ); $result = self::doSelect($c); } After that i add this: echo $c->toString(); that shows: Criteria: SQL (may not be complete): SELECT FROM `prenotazione` WHERE prenotazione.USER_ID=:p1 ...

Complex queries with JPA criteria builder.

Can some one suggets me how to build up following query using JPA Criteria builder api. SELECT id,status,created_at from transactions where status='1' and currency='USD' and appId='123' order by id Its better if i can find a solution which creates dynamically based on the parameters given as a map using metamodel classes or any ot...

convert HQL query to criteria api

I'm wondering if is possible to convert this HQL query into a criteria api query. select s1 from Student where ( select max(s2.Score) from Student where s1.Id = s2.Id ) = 10 (selects the students that have their max score value equal to 10) I don't know if I could use a detached criteria beca...

Filter Lazily Initialized Hibernate Collection

This might be a super easy answer, since I'm sure it's not uncommon. I see some similar questions, but nothing that seems to describe my problem. I have two objects: a car and person. They're in a many-to-many relationship, i.e. a car can be owned by multiple people, and a person can own multiple cars. Car has a lazily initialized se...

Propel/symfony: problem with a criteria

Hi, I have this query inside a method: public static function pincopalla(){ $con = Propel::getConnection(SediI18nPeer::DATABASE_NAME); $sql = "select * from sedii18n where culture = :country UNION select * from sedii18n where culture <> :country"; $stmt = $con->prepare($sql); $result = $stmt->execute(a...

Nhibernate criteria API for many-to-many

My object model is the following: Item has many Tags and a Tag could belong to many Items I'd like to execte the following query using criteria's. SELECT * FROM Item item where item.Id in (Select it.ItemId from dbo.ItemToTags it where it.Tag_id = 'ONE') and item.Id in (Select it.ItemId from dbo.ItemToTags it where it.Tag_id = 'TWO') ...

symfony 1.4/propel: problems trying to the previous element of a group of elements retrieved using a criteria.

Hi, i have retrieved a group of elements using a propel criteria. Now are at $Sedi18ns When i use this: $SediI18ns->prev() I get: ( ! ) Fatal error: Call to undefined method sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator::prev() No problems when i use next(). Any idea? Regards Javi ...

I am getting a "duplicate association path" error in the NHibernate Criteria when accessing the same table twice.

I have a CreateCriteria that adds a join to the same table twice with different aliases: aCriteria.CreateCriteria("Color", "co").Add(Expression.In("co.ColorId", bikush.Color.Select(x => x.ColorId).ToList())); aCriteria.CreateCriteria("Color","fco").Add(Expression.In("fco.ColorId",bikush.FCColor.Select(x => x.ColorId).ToList())); I'm...

Hibernate Criteria - Novice question

Hi, I am looking for some advice on what the best approach to a hibernate Criteria query is. I have been looking around for a while and can't decide if I should follow an approach of left Joins and searching for and ID or using the Query By Example API (I haven't found any good tutorials for this yet so if anyone has any suggestions it...

SetFetchMode call ignored

I have a problem with SetFetchMode call in Criteria API in following query: DetachedCriteria.For<User>() .Add<User>(u => u.Status == UserStatus.Live) .CreateAlias("UniqueId", "uid") .CreateAlias("Companies", "comp") .Add(Restrictions.Disjunction() ...

newbie Nhibernate join query in a DetachedCriteria

I have a domain like this: class Project { ... Unit ProjectUnit } class Unit { ... IList<User> Users } class User { ... } I have to get all projects based on one user, so: each Project where Unit.Users contain query user. How can I translate this to a DetachedCriteria? ...

Populate DTO from several queries

I have a DTO with 40+ properties. But in order to populate all properties I need to execute 4 separate queries. My first query is in charged of getting basic information. For each row returned I run 3 more queries based on the id's given from the main query (N+1 problem). I can set use eager loading but then I'm loading thousands of obje...

Get record with max id, using hibernate

Hello, i want to use hibernate to get record from db, such that it's with the max dbId, i tried to use projections, creating alias for 'max(dbId)', then using it in 'restrictions.eq', but it keeps telling me invalid number, i think this may be because it's an integer in db, and i mapped it as a string in my entity, could any one help m...