
In JPA 2, using a CriteriaQuery, how to count results

I am rather new to JPA 2 and it's CriteriaBuilder / CriteriaQuery API: I would like to count the results of a CriteriaQuery without actually retrieving them. Is that possible, I did not find any...

Is there a way to reduce the amount of boiler-plate code associated with a CriteriaQuery (in JPA 2.0)?

I love the type safety CriteriaQuery brings ing JPA 2.0 but it also brings a bit of boiler-plate code. For example, let say I have an entity called NamedEntity, which simply has an id and a String field called "name" (assume it has the unique constraint set to true). Here's what the NamedEntityManager might look like: public class Named...

jpa 2 hibernate limit (max results) to a CriteriaQuery

Guys, maybe it's a silly question but I cannot find the answer in the docs: How can set a limit to the CriteriaQuery using JPA2? Thanks ...