
I don't understand getNextIncludedTime() in Quartz

I'm probably just being an idiot - it's been a long day! I've misunderstood something in my first foray into Quartz... Given this code: DateTime dt = new DateTime(); dt = dt.withDayOfMonth(20); Calendar cal = new CronCalendar("0 0/10 * * * ?" ); long start = dt.getMillis(); System.out.println("Starting at " + start); long end = start ...

Quartz cron expression for cron triggers executed every Nth Hour/Day/Week/Month

Hi Guys, I am developing an application that gives user ability to schedule some activity. Inputs that are provided by user are Value of N Option amongst Hour/Day/Week/Month Start Date Start Time I am unable to get the corn expressions right for each of the repeat interval type i.e. Hour/Day/Week/Month so that the trigger time is ca...

How often does the Quartz Scheduler wakes up?

Hi, I'm using Quartz Scheduling, more specifically a cron trigger set to wake up at 10PM every day of the week. Another group I interface with are asking how many times during the day will the scheduler wake up to check if it needs to run jobs. The 10PM job is the only one configured. I assume that it will only wake up at that time....

How to call a CronTriggerBean stored in a JDBCJobStore?

Hi, I need some help. I am using Quartz Scheduling and have configured a CronTrigger to run each night at 10PM. I am using the JDBCJobStore to take advantage of the Clustering. The job runs at 10PM every night but I want to be able to call the job programmatically to run it on the fly if needed but I still want to take advantage o...

Is there a Javascript cron implementation somewhere that I'm missing?

I'm aware of timing issues in Javascript, how its not exact/off by milliseconds etc, but I need something to at least attempt to do browser-based scheduling. In terms of features, I'm thinking something along the lines of scheduling patterns described here: Anything out there?...

Finding Last Fired time using a Cron Expression in Java

Is there a way in Java to find the "Last Fired Time" from a Cron Expression. E.g. If now = 25-Apr-2010 10pm, cron expression "0 15 10 ? * *" (quartz) should return me 25-Apr-2010 10:15am Note: 1) I do not care if we use standard cron expressions (like Unix and Quartz) or less popular ones if they can fetch me the correct "Last Fired Ti...

Quartz Spring CronTrigger fired more times than configured

I have a cronTrigger for a job "digestJob": <bean id="digestCronTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean"> <property name="jobDetail" ref="digestJob" /> <property name="cronExpression" value="0 35 15 * * ?" /> </bean> Here is my schedulerFactoryBean configuration: <bean class="org.springframework...

Can anybody explain this?

This is from Quartz Scheduler's javadocs for method setTimeZone of class CronTrigger: If setCronExpression(CronExpression) is called after this method, the TimeZon setting on the CronExpression will "win". However if setCronExpression(String) is called after this method, the time zone applied by this method will remain in...

Java Quartz Cron Trigger

Hi, I am using a Quartz Cron trigger in my java program. The Cron expression I used is 0 0 * * * ? Now I wanted a scheduler to execute once an hour. To test the same started my jboss server and after that I reset my windows time to something like 5:59:45 and at 6:00:00 the scheduler did not fire. Now the next time I first adjusted th...

How to get cron expression given job name and group name?

I'm using Quartz Scheduler v.1.8.0. How do I get the cron expression which was assigned/attached to a Job and scheduled using CronTrigger? I have the job name and group name in this case. Though many Triggers can point to the same Job, in my case it is only one. There is a method available in Scheduler class, Scheduler.getTriggersOfJ...