
Setting cross-domain cookies in Safari

Evernote's bookmarklet is able to do this, therefore the most upvoted answer does not answer this even though the bounty will go to it (in a non-productive manner). I have to call domain (which sets the cookies with http) from domain All I do on domain is (javascript): var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head"...

Cross-site ajax call to a WCF Service

Is it possible to do a cross-site call, in Javascript, to a WCF service? I don't mind if it's a POST or a GET. But I've heard that these days, browsers don't allow cross-site calls with either POST or GET. How can I circumvent this and still call a WCF Service? ...

Cross-site AJAX using jQuery

Hello, I have an existing jQuery plugin which makes a lot of AJAX calls (mostly JSON). I am wondering what is the quickest to allow it to do cross-site calls i.e. the $.get and $.post URL's will not be from the same domain. I have heard of JSONP, but was wondering if someone could give me an concrete example to go about the whole proce...

Cross Site Authentication and Zend Framework

I have been asked to implement a cross site login solution in Zend Framework. I have thought about perhaps using OpenID, are there any other solutions to make a login persist across many sites? In some ways a closed system hosted by us would suit better. ...

Loading cross domain XML with Javascript using a hybrid iframe-proxy/xsl/jsonp concept?

On our site we want to download and use with Javascript. We'll obviously use Access-Control but for browsers that don't support it we are considering the following as a fallback: On, we set document.domain, provide a callback function and load the feed into a (hidden) iframe: docume...

jquery solutions to post to another site from static html page

Need to post data from a static html page to another page which is hosted on another domain. Normally I'd create and iframe with a form inside of it with a post method, and whose actions is directed to that web page, and finally submit that form. The complexity is I'd collect data from my static html page and create a similar (replica) f...

Use jQuery to check if a URL on another domain is 404 or not?

On the client side using jQuery, I want to know if I can just check if a link URL is valid (i.e. doesn't return a 404). This link points to another domain, so if I just use $.get() then I end up with a permission issue. I remember reading something about using a JSONP request, but I don't remember. ...

Sending Text Cross Domain By Bookmarklet

I need a user to navigate to a certain page that has a certain div full of useful text. Then click my bookmarklet and send the text in that div back to my server, which is different from the current domain. I have successfully inserted jQuery on the bookmarklet click and selected the text. Now I need to figure out a way to send that t...

Can you cross-site ping another site using C# or JS/Ajax?

On our web application I am trying to ping a 3rd party site to see if it is up before redirecting our customers to it. So far I have not seen a way to do this other than from a desktop app or system console. Is this possible? I have heard that there was an image trick in original ASP. Currently we are using .NET MVC with Javascript. ...

Creating DOM elements on the fly - check if the data is not harmful

I already posted a question closely related to the this one. I watched the Mix10 video with P. Haacked and S. Hanselman. I am building an AJAX-powered site whose input forms are created on the fly. All the code to accomplish this is done within a script tag or a javascript file. For example the following DOM elements are created when t...

How to disable cross-site ajax policies in firefox?

I need a way to request any site using Ajax. I mean ANY site, I don't want to have to use the workarounds that firefox offers that only apply to someone who's making page requests from the same domain. Is there ANY way to let this happen? I want this to occur as a local file. ...

Cross-site javascript problem

Hi, I'm developing a JavaScript API service. Main html page looks like this: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/logic.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-1..."></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mydomain/api/main.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; </head> ... </html> In t...