
Is Communicating Sequential Processes ever used in large multi threaded C++ programs?

I'm currently writing a large multi threaded C++ program (> 50K LOC). As such I've been motivated to read up alot on various techniques for handling multi-threaded code. One theory I've found to be quite cool is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communicating_sequential_processes And it's invented by a slightly famous guy, who's made othe...

Duplicate Symbol Linker Error (C++ help)

Hi. I'm learning some CSP (constraint satisfaction) theory stuff right now, and am using this library to parse XML files. I'm using Xcode as an IDE. My program compiles fine, but when it goes to link the files, I get a duplicate symbol error with the XMLParser_libxml2.hh file. My files are separated as such: A class header file that in...

Fastest way to produce UDP packets

We're building a test harness to push binary messages out on a UDP multicast. The prototype is using the Twisted reactor loop to push out messages, which is achieving just about the level of traffic we require - about 120000 messages per second. We have a 16 cores on our test machine, and obviously I'd like to spread this over those co...


I'm writing CSP library (for CryptoAPI) for smartcards my company sells. I have question about difference between AT_SIGNATURE key type and CALG_RSA_SIGN algorithm for private key (the same also for AT_KEYEXCHANGE and CALG_RSA_KEYX). I know what is written on MSDN site, but how specifically CSP DLL should work if either of CALG_RSA......

Constraint Satisfaction Problem: Choosing real numbers with certain characteristics

I have a set of n real numbers. I also have a set of functions, f_1, f_2, ..., f_m. Each of these functions takes a list of numbers as its argument. I also have a set of m ranges, [l_1, u_1], [l_2, u_2], ..., [l_m, u_m]. I want to repeatedly choose a subset {r_1, r_2, ..., r_k} of k elements such that l_i <= f_i({r_1, r_2, ...,...

How to export non-exportable private key from store

I need to export private key from Windows store. What should I do if key marked as non-exportable? I know that it is possible, program jailbreak can export this keys. To export key I use Org.BouncyCastle.Security.DotNetUtilities.GetKeyPair() that export key from (RSACryptoServiceProvider)cryptoProv.ExportParameters(true). Exported key I...