
css style class not getting applied

I have given a class in pane.css: .activitypodPadding{padding:11px 16px;} This class is called in the code here:<div class="roundboxcontent activitypodpadding">. But the browser is not taking the above padding. Can anybody help me. ...

Display Multiple Form Submit Buttons Inline Same Line In IE8 In Table

I am trying to display two form submit buttons on the same line inside a table. In IE7 the following code works great, however in IE8 the Delete button drops down to the next line even though I declared the form to display inline. Any suggestions? I created a basic test page here to show the issue: http://ajondeck.net/test/displayinli...

How to emulate window title bar in CSS/HTML

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <style> table {border: 1px solid black; width: 500px} .title {height: 40px} .close {float: right} td {text-align: center; border: 1px solid black} </style> </head> <body> <table> <tr> ...

SEO in Blueprint CSS Framework

I'm creating a new layout for a site and I would prefer to use a grid-based css framework such as Blueprint (which is the only one I have experience with). But does anyone know of a way I could place my main content above my navigation and sidebar in the html in order to improve SEO? Thanks! ...

CSS for text background in text input element

Wondering if this is possible: Let's say if I have a text input element that I want to use to input currencies. Probably I'd want a prefix before the text input to indicate what currency the user is performing his input in. Hence, the HTML'd look something like: US$ <input type="text" /> But let's say I want the "US$" above to appea...

SSRS reports viewed in Safari rendering issues

We are using SQL Server 2005 and SSRS to produce reports for a .NET2.0 C# web application. When viewing reports in Safari or Chrome we are having issues with: Missing toolbar controls - Export, Resize etc. Font size is very large. Example: When viewing in IE7/8 the font appears to be 12pts. When viewing it in Safari the font is 24pts...

how to take control of render process or supress BR's TAG behaviour?

I'm using a control in my asp.net web page that I don't have the source code, this control renders some undesirable BR(new line) tags in HTML which they are breaknig my layout. I would like to know if there is a way I can take control of render process without breaking control behaviour (it is a very complex ajax powered one) or do somet...

CSS anchor style for images

hello, i set up a style for all my links but the problem is that any anchor that has an image obviously will have the same style. is there any way i can overwrite the style for the images without having to apply a class to all the images that removes that style? ...

How do you display hyperlinks without an underline ?

How do you display hyperlinks without an underline ? ...

Positioning filament group buttons ?

Hi, I would like to properly position buttons right beside dropdown (see picture bellow), any comments? Click to View FullPicture ...

CSS rule for attribute + sibling in DOM

What I have is a form with one fieldset containing several other fieldsets. For each fieldset, the user can check a box next to the legend and expand that fieldset (in theory, at least). I was thinking it would be cool to try using pure CSS for the effect, but I'm getting hung up on how to write the rule based on the two elements positi...

Adding a space in between each tweet with the Twitter Badge.

Looking to add a space (line break) between each individual tweet. Here is my code so far. <div id="twitter_div"> <ul id="twitter_update_list"></ul> </div> #twitter_div { float:left; margin:0; padding:0; width:205px; height:467px; margin-left:11px; color:#e5e0bd; text-align:left; font-size:14px; ...

Removing the list style for the Twitter Badge.

I am looking to remover the circle bullet list style that is currently applied to my list. I've tried adding list-style:none; to almost every css id i have relating to the twitter feed and nothing works. Here is my code. <div id="twitter_div"> <ul id="twitter_update_list"></ul> </div> #twitter_div { float:left; margin:0; ...

Centering floating divs within another div

I've searched other questions and, while this problem seems similar to a couple of others, nothing I've seen so far seems to address the issue that I'm having. I have a div which contains a number of other divs, each of which is floated left. These divs each contain a photo and a caption. All I want is for the group of photos to be cent...

CSS fixed header, scrollable body

Hi, this is not a question, actually it's a simple solution to get your table body vertically scrollable using purely css, tested only in Firefox 3.5.2, assuming correct Table DOM definitions (table, thead, tbody). <style> .someTBODYclassName { height: 100px, overflow-x: hidden, overflow-y: visible } </style> Of ...

Why is the homepage on JonathansCorner.com displaying oddly on mobile Safari?

On my website at http://JonathansCorner.com/, the site as a whole displays well in mobile Safari, and the homepage displays well on (desktop) Firefox, Opera, Safari, and IE, but the homepage specifically does not look at all good on mobile Safari:itdisplaysonewordperline,stretchingoutthetextvertically. I've tried several things to see i...

Main column appears where sidebar column ends

I'm braindead on this and I know it's simple. There's a header div, appears fine. There's a left-sidebar div, appears fine with top snuggled up to header div. Then there's a main content div. There is an image and h1 which appear like you would expect up against the header div, but then a large gap appears until the navigation (in a ...

CSS: Center block but left align contents

I want a whole block to be centered in its parent, but I want the contents of the block to be left aligned. Examples serve best On this page : http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/?yaml=%23+ASCII+Art%0d%0a---+%7c%0d%0a++%5c%2f%2f%7c%7c%5c%2f%7c%7c%0d%0a++%2f%2f+%7c%7c++%7c%7c%5F%5F%0d%0a&amp;type=python the ascii art should be cen...

asp.net literal control bgcolor

How can I change the bgcolor and font of my asp:Literal control? Can you give me an example? ...

How to Prevent Linke break for Divs in CSS?

I am creating menu for a website. for each item (Home, Contact us, About us) I use Background color and text of size 125X30. In CSS, When i use float it works correct. But when i removed float, all individual item such as home, contact etc come down one by one. I need it left to right in a single line without float. Help me ...